Articles in category "NEEDSUPDATE"
The following 719 pages are in this category, out of 719 total.
- A.A.C. Productions
- A Atalanta
- AIPA - Collecting Society of Authors, Performers and Producers of Audiovisual Works of Slovenia
- Alkatraz Gallery
- Analiza Journal
- Antika Antiquariat and Bookshop, Celje
- Anton Sovre Library Hrastnik
- Anton Tomaž Linhart Library Radovljica
- Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association
- Apokalipsa Magazine
- Architectural Gallery DESSA
- Architectural Guide
- ARK Arhitektura Krušec
- Arrea Architecture
- Arsana International Music Festival
- Arsana Music Art Association
- Arsem Agency
- Arsmedia
- Art Stays Cultural Association
- Art Stays, International Festival of Contemporary Art
- AS Gallery
- A Short Historical Overview of Slovene Film
- Asobi
- Association for Contemporary Arts X-OP
- Association of Slovene Photographers
- Association of Theatre Critics and Researchers of Slovenia
- Association of the Friends of Moderate Progress
- Atelje.Balant
- Autumn Film School, International Colloquium of Film Theory
- A.V.A. Institute, Academy of Visual Arts
- Avgust Černigoj Gallery, Lipica
- Avsenik Gallery
- Azil Bookshop
- Depot:Barely Modern
- Bela Film
- Beletrina Bookshop
- Beletrina Publishing Institute
- Beno Zupančič Library Postojna
- Berneker Award
- Beseda Text Corpus
- Best Book Design Award
- Best First Book Award
- Best Short Story Award
- Bežigrad Library
- Biennial of Design (BIO)
- Biennial of Slovene Book Illustration
- BIO Gold Medal
- Bled Festival Hall
- Bliž
- Bohinc Studio
- Borghesia
- Depot:Branch Unit I, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (ARS)
- Brežice Library
- BridA
- British Council Slovenia
- Brumen Foundation
- Cankarjeva Publishing House
- Cankarjev dom, Music Programme
- Cankarjev dom Small Gallery
- Cankar's Library Vrhnika
- Casablanca Productions
- Castrumfoto International Workshop
- CEI Fellowship for Writers in Residence
- Celeia Celje Institute - Centre for Contemporary Arts
- Celinka Association
- Celje Dance Forum
- Celje Gallery of Contemporary Art
- Celje Youth Centre
- Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor
- Centre for Creativity
- Centre for Preventive Archaeology
- Centre for Slovenian Literature
- Centre for Slovenian Literature Website
- CGU Printmaking Art Centre
- Ciril Kosmač Public Library, Tolmin
- City Art Gallery Ljubljana
- City Hall Atria
- Cliché
- CoFestival
- Depot:Coma Stereo
- Cona Institute
- Conceptual Art Centre Bukovje
- Consulate General of the Kingdom of Norway in Slovenia
- Consulate of the Principality of Monaco in Slovenia
- Consulate of the Republic of Cyprus in Slovenia
- Consulate of the Republic of Latvia in Slovenia
- Contemporary Dance Association Slovenia
- Contemporary dance Platform
- Continental Film/Con Film
- Contra Gallery
- Corridor, Crossroads of Arts
- Depot:Crazed Farmers
- CtrlArt Studio
- Cultural Centre Maribor
- Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT)
- Cultural Garden Katzenberg
- Culture Association BSA
- Cvinger Film
- Dance Academy
- Dance Centre Cultural Association
- Dance Mamblita
- Dance Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities
- Dance Studio Intakt
- Depot:Days of Oris
- Days of Poetry and Wine Festival
- Delo Publishing House
- Demiurg
- Department of Asian Studies, University of Ljubljana
- Depot:Department of Comparative and General Linguistics, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana
- Department of Theatre and Radio, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT)
- Designers Society of Slovenia (DOS)
- Devetka
- Didakta Publishing House
- Directorate for Science and Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology
- DIVA Station
- Divja misel Institute
- - Digital Library of Slovenia
- DLUM Gallery
- DOKUDOC International Documentary Film Festival
- Dom Kulture muziKafe
- Dom svobode
- Domžale Gallery
- Domžale Youth Centre
- Dravograd Library
- Draž Knitwear Studio
- Druga godba Festival
- DUM Association of Artists
- Ebesede Publishing House
- Educational Research Institute (ERI) Digital Library
- Ekran, Magazine for Film and Television
- Depot:Electric Theatre
- Depot:Embassy of Portugal in Slovenia
- Depot:Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Slovenia
- Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Priština
- Embassy of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Slovenia
- Emona Folklore Group
- EnKnapGroup (EKG)
- En-Knap Productions
- Equrna Gallery
- Etnika Institute
- European Young Organists Competition
- Eye of the Word Festival
- Depot:Fabula Award
- Faculty of Arts Bookshop
- Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
- Depot:Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana
- Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana
- Depot:Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana
- Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
- FDV Art Gallery
- Federacija Institute
- Festival of Photography Maribor
- Category talk:Festivals
- Festival Velenje - Velenje Gallery
- Fičo Balet
- Film Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities
- First Stage
- Flood Dams, Klavže
- Flota Institute
- Depot:Flyspoon
- Folkart International Folklore Festival, Maribor
- Folk Museum Rogaška Slatina
- Depot:Foo Bar
- Fotografija, Magazine on Photography
- Fourklor
- France Bevk Homestead
- France Marolt Student Folk Dance Group
- France Mihelič Gallery, Škofja Loka
- Franc Ksaver Meško Library, Ormož
- Friderik Irenej Baraga Institute
- Fulbright Program
- Galerija Fotografija
- Gallery 14
- Genius Loci Lera Workshop
- Gestapo Prisons at Dravograd
- Gibanica (Moving Cake) Biennial of Slovenian Contemporary Dance Art
- Gibanica (Moving Cake) Festival of Slovene Dance Award
- Gigodesign
- Glasbena matica Ljubljana
- Glasna Magazine
- Gledga Magazine
- Goga Literary Residency
- Golden Coin of Poetry
- Golden Drum Award
- Gorjup Gallery, Kostanjevica na Krki
- Gregor Podnar Gallery
- Grupa Ee
- GuestRoomMaribor
- Gustaf Hall, Pekarna
- Hest Gallery, Ljubljana
- Hest Gallery, Maribor
- Hexenbrutal
- Hinko Smrekar Award
- Depot:Hiše Awards
- Historical Archives Ptuj
- House of Poetry Literature Association
- House! Society for People and Spaces
- Hrušica - Museum Collection and Archaeological Park
- Hugo Wolf Association
- Hugo Wolf's Jubilee Year 2020
- Human1st
- Hyperion Book Series
- Ichisan & Nakova
- Idrija Kamšt
- Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory
- Igor Zabel Award for Culture and Theory
- Illegal Kru
- IlovarStritar
- Impro liga
- In-Sane
- Institute for innovative arts research IRIU
- Institute for Sonic Arts Research
- Institute of Musicology
- Insula Gallery
- Depot:Intercontinental Advertising CUP
- International Association of Art Critics (AICA), Slovenia
- International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana
- International Choral Competition Gallus
- International Competition of Brass Orchestras
- International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), Slovenia
- International Festival of Computer Arts (IFCA)
- International Festival of Creativity Golden Drum
- International PEN Writers' Meeting, Bled
- International Youth Choir Festival
- Intima Virtual Base
- INVIDA Internet Video Agency
- Ivan Grohar Gallery, Škofja Loka
- Ivan Potrč Library Ptuj
- Izidor Cankar Award
- Izlake–Zagorje Art Colony
- Izola Cultural Centre
- Izola-Isola Principal Library
- Kabinet 01
- Kambič Gallery
- KantFest International
- Kapelica Gallery
- Kapsula Gallery
- KiBela Art Space
- KIBLA Multimedia Centre
- KIBLIX Festival of Arts and Technology
- Kinotrip
- Kino Udarnik
- Depot:Klik Magazine
- Klub Swenak
- KMŠ Publishing House
- Kofein
- Kolnkišta
- Kombinat Architects
- Kompleks Youth Culture Centre
- Konj Puppet Theatre
- Koroška Central Library Dr France Sušnik, Ravne na Koroškem
- Kranj Town Hall
- Depot:Kraški solisti
- Krka Art Collection
- Krka Gallery
- Krtina Publishing House
- Ksaver Meško Library Slovenj Gradec
- Ksenija Hribar Award
- KUD AAC Zrakogled
- Depot:KUD France Prešeren Arts and Culture Association
- KUD Kentaver
- KUD Nor
- KUD Pozitiv Cultural Association
- KUD Pranger Cultural Association
- KUD Samosvoj Cultural Association
- KUD Vilenica Art Society
- Kunsthisterik Association
- Kurentovanje
- Kurja polt Genre Film Festival
- Lamut's Art Salon
- Lek Gallery
- Lendava-Lendva Cultural Centre
- Lendava Synagogue
- Lesbian Feminist University (LFU)
- Levstik Award
- Levstik House – Memorial Rooms of Fran Levstik and Josip Stritar
- LGBT Film Festival
-, Academic Book Fair
- Library Association of Celje
- Library Association of Koroška
- Library Association of Ljubljana
- Library Association of Maribor
- Library Association of Primorska and Notranjska
- Libris Bookshops
- Lična hiša Gallery
- Likovne besede Magazine
- Likovni salon Celje
- Linhart Hall, Radovljica
- Lirikonfest
- Litera Publishing House
- Literary Association IA
- Literatura Magazine
- Litterae slovenicae
- Living Literature Festival
- Ljubljana City Library
- Ljubljana Musical Youth
- Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory
- Ljubljana Regional Development Agency
- Ljubljana Tourist Board
- Depot:LJU Cosinus BRX Gallery, Brussels
- Ljudmil Rus Guitar Orchestra
- Ljutomer Museum
- LokalPatriot Institute
- Lolita
- Loški oder Theatre
- Loudspeaker Alliance
- Loža Gallery, Koper
- LUD Literatura
- LUKS Studio
- Luksuz Production
- LUPA Slovene Non-Governmental Organisations’ Festival
- Luwigana Gallery
- Maribor Art Gallery
- Maribor Castle
- Depot:Maribor Electronic Destination International Festival
- Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012
- Maribor Public Library
- Maribor Theatre Festival
- Marjan Kozina Music Conservatory
- Marjeta Grošelj Handbags
- Match Gallery
- May Salon
- May Salon Award
- Media Nox Gallery
- Medprostor Architecture Studio
- Meduza 2 Gallery, Piran
- Meduza Gallery, Koper
- Miha Maleš Gallery
- Mihelič Gallery, Ptuj
- Miner's House - Ethnological Collection
- Miš Publishing House
- MKC Maribor Youth Culture Centre
- Mladika Publishing House
- Mladi levi Festival
- Mladinska knjiga Bookshops
- Mladinska knjiga Publishing House
- Mladinsko Showcase
- Moderna galerija (MG)
- Modern Art Archive, Museum of Modern Art
- Mohorjeva Bookshops
- Mohor's Society
- Morfem Publisher
- MOVIT, Institute for Development of Youth Mobility
- Multiball
- Multimedia Institute and Academy
- Municipality of Slovenj Gradec
- Municipality of Tolmin
- Municipality of Trbovlje
- Municipality of Trebnje
- Municipality of Velenje
- Municipality of Vrhnika
- Municipality of Zagorje ob Savi
- Municipal Museum of Krško
- Murska Sobota Gallery
- Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana
- Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (MSUM)
- Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška
- Museum of Modern Art Library
- Museum of Modern Art Photo Archive
- Museum of Slovenian Film Actors
- Museum on the Border
- Museums, Archives and Libraries Sector, Ministry of Culture
- Music Production Unit, RTV Slovenia
- Music Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities
- Myra Locatelli Cultural Association
- Narayan Production
- Narobe Magazine
- Narodni dom Maribor
- Narodni dom Mežica
- Naša pesem Choir Competition
- National Gallery of Slovenia
- National Gallery of Slovenia Library
- National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova
- Nebo Puppet Theatre
- New Wave Syria
- Nikki Louder
- Nova Gorica City Gallery
- Nova Gorica–Gorizia, European Capital of Culture 2025
- Nova Ljubljanska banka (NLB) Art Collection
- Nova revija Institute
- P74 Centre and Gallery
- Panda Banda
- Papelito Puppet Theatre
- Pauček Partisan Hospital, Trška gora na Pohorju
- Pečarič Gallery
- Pekarna Magdalena Network
- Pekinpah Association
- Perpetuum Jazzile
- Photoclub Maribor
- Photographic Federation of Slovenia
- Photon Gallery
- Photonic Moments – Month of Photography
- Pilon Gallery, Ajdovščina
- Pionirska - Centre for Youth Literature and Librarianship
- Piran City Gallery
- Piran City Library
- Pixxelpoint International Festival of Contemporary Art Practices
- Plesna izba - Maribor Dance Room
- Pleterje Charterhouse Monastery
- Plevnik-Kronkowska Gallery
- Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association
- Poper Studio
- Portorož Auditorium
- Depot:Poster Festival Ljubljana
- Postojna Culture House
- Postojna Youth Centre
- Pranger Festival
- Playwright's Resource
- Prešeren Theatre Kranj
- Priden Možic Cultural Association
- Prifarski muzikanti
- Primerjalna književnost (Comparative Literature)
- Primož Premzl Art Cabinet
- Pripovedovalski variete Cultural Association
- Problemi Journal
- Production Studio
- Projekt Atol Institute
- Prostor Gallery
- Ptuj Centre for Cultural Activities (CID Ptuj)
- Ptuj City Theatre
- Ptuj – Ormož Regional Museum, Ormož unit
- Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia
- Publishing Academy
- PUF Festival
- Račka Gallery of Erotic Art
- Depot:Radical Improvisation Duet
- RadioCona
- Radlje ob Dravi Public Library
- Radovljica Festival
- Radovljica Municipality Museums
- Raz Ume Database
- Real Life Version
- Red Five Point Star
- Research Institute of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design
- Revija SRP
- Rihard Jakopič Award
- Riko Art Collection
- Riko Debenjak Gallery
- Depot:Rock Otočec
- Rožanc Award
- Rozinteater
- RTV Slovenia Big Band
- RTV Slovenia Kultura website
- RTV Slovenia Radio Studios, Ljubljana
- RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper-Capodistria
- RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper-Capodistria, Nova Gorica Branch Office
- RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor
- RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Maribor, Lendava Branch Office
- RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra
- RTV Slovenia Youth Choir
- Depot:Saltimbanko Magic World
- Depot:Sanja Nešković Peršin
- Sanje Bookshop
- Sanje ('Dreams') Festival
- Sanje ('Dreams') Publishing House
- Savinov likovni salon
- SAXGO International Saxophone Meeting
- Saxophone Music Association
- SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts Library
- SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts Project Room
- Sculpture Institute
- Section for Music, Ministry of Culture
- Depot:Sector for Analyses, Strategies and Cultural System, Ministry of Culture
- - Slovene theatre portal
- Silence
- Simulaker Gallery
- Depot:Sindikat
- Slavic Society of Slovenia
- Slavistična revija
- Slovanska Library
- Depot:Slovene-Austrian Friendship Society
- Slovene Book Days
- Slovene Book Fair
- Slovene Choirs Meeting in Šentvid, Stična
- Slovene fiction on Wikisource
- Slovene Film Archives
- Slovene Music Artists Association
- Slovene Musicological Society
- Slovene National Theatre Maribor
- Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana
- Slovene Octet
- Slovene PEN Centre
- Slovene People’s Theatre (SLG) Celje
- Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste
- Slovene Philharmonic
- Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra
- Slovene Philharmonic String Chamber Orchestra
- Slovene Piano Teachers Association – EPTA
- Slovene Press Agency (STA)
- Slovene Reading Association
- Slovene Section of IBBY
- Slovene Writers’ Association
- Slovene Young Musicians Competition
- Slovenia Centre of the ITI
- Slovenian Advertising Festival (SOF)
- Slovenian Art Cinema Association
- Slovenian Association of Dramatic Artists
- Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU) Gallery
- Slovenian Association of Literary Translators
- Slovenian Book Agency
- Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre
- Slovenian Choir Archive
- Slovenian Cinematheque
- Depot:Slovenian Cinematheque Programme Department
- Slovenian Library Association
- Slovenian Public Libraries Association
- Slovenia Partisan Printing Shop
- Depot:Slovenia Press Photo Festival
- Slovenj Gradec Culture House
- Slovenska matica
- SNG Maribor Symphony Orchestra
- Society for the Study of Popular Music
- Society of Allies for Soft Landing, Krško (DZMP)
- Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers for Copyright Protection in Slovenia (SAZAS Society)
- Society of Slovene Composers
- Sodobnost International Cultural Society
- Sodobnost Magazine
- Sokolski dom Culture Centre, Škofja Loka
- Son:DA
- Sophia Publishing House
- Sovre Award
- Spectrum Festival
- Spider Festival
- Sports Park Stožice
- Srečko Vilhar Public Library, Koper-Capodistria
- STA Misli website
- Stane Kregar Gallery
- Staragara
- Starck with Riko
- Depot:Statera Records
- Stele Award
- Stolp Photogallery
- Stripartnica Buch
- Stritar Award
- Strup Productions
- Studia humanitatis
- Studio 360
- Studio AKKA
- Studio at the Border
- Studiobotas
- Studio for Research into the Art of Acting
- Studio Mitja Miklavčič
- Summer School of Visual Ethnography
- Depot:Summer Visual Arts Workshops, Public Fund for Cultural Activities
- Sunflower Gallery
- Talum Art Collection
- Tanja Pak Glass Design
- Depot:Teater Ltd
- Depot:Theatre for Children and Youth (GOML)
- Theatre WORKS
- The Hoax Program
- The Stroj
- The Workers and Punks’ University
- Tine Rožanc Folkloric Dance Group
- TipoRenesansa Studio
- Tobačna 001 Cultural Centre
- Trebnje Gallery of Naïve Artists
- Trenta Lodge TNP Information Centre and Museum
- Depot:Tribuna Magazine
- Triglav Film
- Depot:Trimo Urban Crash
- Depot:Trio MaRaKle
- Trnje Festival
- Depot:Trnovo Tercets
- Trubar Foundation
- Trubar Homestead
- Trubarjevi kraji Public Institute
- Trubar Literature House
- Trubar's Antiquariat
- Tuma Publishing House
- Depot:Turistica - College of Tourism Portorož
- Depot:TV3
- Depot:TV Idea - Kanal 10, Murska Sobota
- TV Koper-Capodistria
- Depot:TV Maribor - Tele M
- TV Production Unit, RTV Slovenia
- TV Slovenia 1
- TV Slovenia 2
- TV Slovenia 3
- TV Slovenia Hungarian Minority TV Programming
- U3 Triennial of Contemporary Slovene Arts
- UGM Studio
- Ultramono Institute
- Depot:Undermuza
- Depot:UNESCO Libraries Portal
- Union of Primorska Music Schools
- Depot:Union of Professors of the University of Maribor
- Depot:Union of Serbian Cultural Associations of Slovenia
- Union of Slovene Architects' Societies
- Union of Slovene Folklore Groups
- Union of Slovene Journalists
- Depot:United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
- Universal Studio of Street Arts
- University of Ljubljana
- University of Ljubljana Historical Archives and Museum
- University of Maribor
- University of Maribor Library
- University of Primorska
- Upper Sava Valley Museum, Jesenice
- Urbani izziv Journal
- Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
- Urbas&Urbas Creative Group
- Uš Puppet Theatre Company
- Depot:Vale Novak Publishing House
- Valentin Vodnik Support Programme for Publishers
- VAL Piran Folkloric Dance Group
- Depot:Vaša Television (VTV)
- VBG Studio
- VBZ Publishing
- Več
- Večer Newspaper
- Večernica Award
- Depot:Velenje Artists' Colony
- Velenje Castle
- Velenje Culture House
- Velenje Grammar School
- Velenje Library
- Velenje Literary Foundation
- Velenje Museum
- Velenje Youth Centre (MC Velenje)
- Velika Nedelja Castle
- Veronika Award
- Depot:Veronika Gallery, Kamnik
- Vertigo Bird
- Vesna Award
- Depot:Vestnik Murska Sobota
- Veter Mixed Youth Choir
- Vevče Paperworks Brass Orchestra
- Vicious Cat Awards
- Video Art Ltd
- VideoLectures.Net
- Video Production Kregar Studio (VPK Studio)
- VigeVageKnjige
- Viktor Award
- Vilenica International Literary Award
- Vilenica International Literary Festival
- Villa Bartolomei Museum Collection
- Depot:Vinylmania Records
- Viri Journal
- Visconti Fine Art, Mestni trg Gallery
- Visions Festival of Young Theatre Groups
- Depot:Visit Ljubljana - official website of the Tourist Destination of Ljubljana
- Depot:Vita Mavrič
- Vitkar Institute
- Viva - Zagorje Youth Wind Orchestra
- Vizionar Award
- Vladimir Lovec-Ivan Šček Chamber Orchestra Competition
- Depot:Vodeb Fashion House
- Vodnik Homestead
- V.O.O.D.O.O.
- Vransko Motorcycle Museum
- Zagorje National Liberation War Collection
- Zala Gallery
- Založba /*cf
- Depot:Založba Narava
- Za:misel Bookshop
- Zank
- Zapik Theatre
- ZAP! Studio for Animation
- Zasavje Museum, Trbovlje
- Zasavje Regional Development Centre Ltd
- ZEK Crew
- Zemono Manor House
- Zgodovina za vse (History for Everyone)
- Depot:Zidanšek Pohorje Brigade Exhibition
- ZRC Publishing
- ZVVIKS, Institute for Film and Audiovisual Production