Photoclub Maribor


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Fotoklub Maribor
Židovska 6, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 620 9713,
Past events

Officially established in 1974, with origins tracing back to the Maribor Amateur Photographic and Cinema Association (set up in 1936), the Photoclub Maribor is one of the most active such organisation in Slovenia today. It organises solo exhibitions by both Slovene and foreign photographers at the Stolp Photogallery; assists its members to exhibit in other national and international exhibiting spaces; and organises regular seminars, workshops, presentations and similar events of Slovene and foreign photographers in their Atelier of the Art Photography.

Wrapping up these activities it also organises the Festival of Photography Maribor. In addition, Photoclub Maribor regularly publishes news about public competitions and other such practical information on its website.


Besides the twelve exhibitions held annually at the Stolp Photogallery, the club assists its member in setting up at least twice as many exhibitions per year in other galleries, across Slovenia as well as Europe.


The Photoclub Maribor is known on its long and variegated history: by 1949 it had 277 members, many of whom toured the former Yugoslavia with their exhibitions. During the 1960s it became Photoclub Maribor under the leadership of Simon Tihec, and at this time the unique exhibition Photographs by the Maribor Circle received international acclaim, featuring work by photographers such as Zmago Jeraj, Stojan Kerbler, Slavko Tihec, Dragiša Modrinjak, Ivan Dvoršak, Antonio Baričević, Branko Jernejić, and Janko Jelnikar.

The photographs of the Maribor Circle were analysed by art historian Meta Gabršek Prosenc in the context of the conceptual visual arts practices in the 1970s. They are presented at the Maribor Art Gallery.

See also

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Fotoklub Maribor +
Fotoklub Maribor +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Židovska 6 +
Officially established in 1974, with origins tracing back to the Maribor Amateur Photographic and Cinema Association (set up in 1936), the Photoclub Maribor is one of the most active such organisation in Slovenia today. +
Officially established in 1974, with origins tracing back to the Maribor Amateur Photographic and Cinema Association (set up in 1936), the Photoclub Maribor is one of the most active such organisation in Slovenia today. +
+386 / 2 620 9713, +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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