Festival of Photography Maribor

From Culture.si

Festival fotografije Maribor
Židovska ulica 6, SI-2001 Maribor
Organised byPhotoclub Maribor
Festival dates14.9.2024 - 30.9.2024

The Festival of Photography Maribor is an international festival of photography, founded in 2016. Comprised of various photography exhibitions as well as lectures, discussions and even multimedia displays, the festival is organised by Photoclub Maribor.

It takes place in the city of Maribor, utilising many of its gallery spaces, among them the Media Nox Gallery, the Gallery K18 , the Maribor Synagogue, the DLUM Gallery, the Stolp Photogallery, Vetrinjski dvor, the Photography Museum Maribor, the Epeka Gallery, the University of Maribor Library and GT22.


With a specialised gallery for photography (the Stolp Photogallery) and the very active Photoclub Maribor (operating since 1949), the festival was a logical next step for the Maribor photographic community.

Set up in order to promote contemporary approaches to photographic creativity, it aims to promote the work of local photographers as well as present those from abroad. It is thus allowing for the wider audience to better understand and know photographic art and craft, especially in light of the visually saturated everyday culture of today.


The festival presents photographers of different generations, perspectives and aesthetic preferences. It has exhibited works by prominent and upcoming photographers like Alexsander Petrosyan (RU), Miroslav Predojevič (RS), Raul Villalba (AR), Tatsuo Suzuki (JP), Salvatore Matarzzo (IT), Borut Krajnc, Borut Peterlin, and Bojan Golčar. The lectures range from those dealing with technical aspects to those that border travelogues.

The festival collaborates with the Stenin Organisation from Russia and Photo Art Budapest, a gallery from Hungary.

External links

See also

Festival fotografije Maribor +
24.9.2016 - 11.10.2016, 23.9.2017 - 30.9.2017, 10.9.2018 - 30.9.2018, 10.9.2019 - 30.9.2019, 12.9.2020 - 30.9.2020, 18.9.2021 - 5.10.2021, 17.9.2022 - 1.10.2022, 16.9.2023 - 1.10.2023, 14.9.2024 - 30.9.2024 +
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201638 +, 201639 +, 201640 +, 201641 +, 201738 +, 201739 +, 201837 +, 201838 +, 201839 +, 201937 +, 201938 +, 201939 +, 201940 +, 202037 +, 202038 +, 202039 +, 202040 +, 202137 +, 202138 +, 202139 +, 202140 +, 202237 +, 202238 +, 202239 +, 202337 +, 202338 +, 202339 +, 202437 +, 202438 +, 202439 +  and 202440 +
annual +
Festival fotografije Maribor +
SI-2001 Maribor +
Židovska ulica 6 +
The Festival of Photography Maribor is an international festival of photography, founded in 2016. +
The Festival of Photography Maribor is an international festival of photography, founded in 2016. +
Maribor +
SI-2001 +
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