Stolp Photogallery


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Fotogalerija Stolp
Židovska 6, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 51 336 991
Past events

Housed in a 16th-century Jewish Tower in the city of Maribor, Stolp Photogallery was established by Photoclub Maribor as its club exhibition space in 1989.

It annually hosts up to 12 exhibitions of acclaimed or upcoming young Slovene and foreign photographers. Its programme contains mostly solo exhibitions of Slovene artists such as Andrej Furlan, Marko Lipuš, Borut Peterlin, Tomaž Lunder, Matjaž Wenzel, Matjaž Krivic, Branimir Ritonja, Bogo Čerin, Tanja Verlak, Tomaž Gregorič, Matej Sitar, Stojan Kerbler, Bojan Radovič, Andrej Lamut and Sandra Použun as well as artists from abroad: Roberto Kusterle (IT), Orna Lutski (IL), Imre Szabo (RS), Osman Demiri (AL), Christop Grill (AT), Sergiy Lebedynskyy (UA), and many others. A part of the presented artists in chosen by way of an open call, published on the galleries website.

Once a year the group exhibition of the Photoclub members is featured. Further group exhibitions are usually dedicated to artists of other Slovene regions or other countries. It is also one of the venues for the Festival of Photography Maribor.

Stolp Photogallery 2009 Exterior.jpgStolp Photogallery, 2009


The gallery houses a changing permanent collection of photographic works by many great names of Slovene photography, including the unique exhibition Photographs by the Maribor Circle from the early 1970s, which was a milestone in Slovene photography.

See also

External links


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Fotogalerija Stolp +
46.557 +
Fotogalerija Stolp +
15.648 +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Židovska 6 +
Housed in a 16th-century Jewish Tower in the city of Maribor, Stolp Photogallery was established by Photoclub Maribor as its club exhibition space in 1989. +
Housed in a 16th-century Jewish Tower in the city of Maribor, Stolp Photogallery was established by Photoclub Maribor as its club exhibition space in 1989. +
+386 / 51 336 991 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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