Apokalipsa Magazine

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Lili Novy 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 256 2250

Launched in 1993, Apokalipsa ("Apocalypse") is a monthly magazine focusing on live culture and published by the Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association. A successful international project, it publishes substantial sections of central European magazines, whilst parts of Apokalipsa are published in those magazines. The first magazine with which it cooperated was the Slovak magazine Romboid, followed by the Croatian Quorum, the Czech Host, and the Hungarian Jelenkor. Apokalipsa features regular presentations of poetry, especially haiku, with an annual English edition.

An important dimension of the magazine is original fiction. Apokalipsa has succeeded in bringing into the literary world a series of promising poets and writers who have successfully established themselves with the help of older and better-known authors. Thus offering a kind of moral endowment for the journal, mentoring new, upcoming writers.


Since 2002, the magazine has participated in the Review within Review project, supported by the Culture programme of the European Commission during 2005–2007. The project was initiated by Stanislava and Primož Repar and coordinated by Apokalipsa magazine, promoting intercultural exchange and dialogue. Currently, it has 16 participants (magazines, journals, publishers or writers' associations) from 13 countries, primarily from Central and Southeastern Europe. It has produced over 70 books, presentations and promotions at international fairs and festivals.

See also

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... more about "Apokalipsa Magazine"
Apokalipsa +
Monthly +
Apokalipsa +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Lili Novy 25 +
Launched in 1993, Apokalipsa ("Apocalypse") is a monthly magazine focusing on live culture and published by the Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association. +
Launched in 1993, Apokalipsa ("Apocalypse") is a monthly magazine focusing on live culture and published by the Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association. +
+386 / 1 256 2250 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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