Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association

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Kulturno umetniško društvo Apokalipsa
Lili Novy 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 256 2250
Past events

Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association was established in 1993 as the publisher of Apokalipsa magazine. The informal collective of collaborators consists of philosophers, poets, writers, scientists, artists, architects and others. Today, it is also the publisher of several books by Slovene and international authors (for example, Paul Ricoeur, Hannah Arendt, Martin Heidegger, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Roland Barthes and Alain Badiou).

Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association is also known for promoting the art of haiku writing and is active in organising an annual open competition of publishing haiku verse. It is a co-founder of the World Haiku Association (WHA). They also organise or co-organise: the International Meeting of Publishers and Authors of Central Europe and the International Philosophical Conference called Kierkegaard's Year.

Publishing programme

The publishing programme is composed of several collections, the Fractal collection (Fraktal) is aimed at the poetics of the literary text in light of the poststructuralist epistemological turn in the second half of the 20th century. The Special issues collection (Posebne izdaje) is intended for a wide range of different reflections, genres, languages, games, topics and writing processes. It is also a place to ask questions that shape the wider social environment of today. The Apocalypse collection (Apokalipsa) seeks to bring the reader closer to the literature which is not part of the prevailing poetics but has a particular value that is often seen at the edges or even beyond the central literary streams.

See also

External links

Kulturno umetniško društvo Apokalipsa +
Kulturno umetniško društvo Apokalipsa +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Lili Novy 25 +
Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association was established in 1993 as the publisher of Apokalipsa magazine. +
Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association was established in 1993 as the publisher of Apokalipsa magazine. +
Založba Apokalipsa vodi založniški program, ki sega od filozofije in humanistike do poezije in literature tako domačih kot prevedenih del. +
+386 / 1 256 2250 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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