Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bratislava

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Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije Bratislava
Ventúrska 5, 813 15 Bratislava
Phone421 2 5726 7700
Past events

The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bratislava was opened in 1997 as an official representative body of the Slovene Government to the Slovak Republic. As independent states the two countries officially established diplomatic relations in 1993. The Embassy provides consular assistance and promotes bilateral political, economic, and cultural relations.

Cultural cooperation

The legal basis for cultural cooperation is the bilateral agreement in the fields of science, education and culture, signed between the two states in 1994. There is also a special bilateral agreement from the same year on scientific and technological cooperation, which defines accessible student and teacher exchange, research visits to various institutions, and enables the promotion of scientific and technological achievements in both countries.

Literature and performing arts

Contemporary literature and authors from Slovenia are frequently presented in Slovakia. The embassy has supported numerous visits, presentations, and public readings.

In 2010 the embassy supported a press conference of the project "Review within Review", which was presented by Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association. This international EU-funded project, initiated by Stanislava Repar and Primož Repar, involved 13 participants from 16 countries, including authors from Slovakia.

In 2011 in collaboration with Študentska založba Publishing House the embassy organised a reading by Goran Vojnović at the Slovenian language lectureship at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Bratislava. An evening of poetry readings by poets from Slovenia (Tatjana Jamnik, Ksenija Jus Xenia, Aleš Mustar, Iztok Osojnik) along with a musical event was held in Bratislava in 2011.

Stanislava Repar's monodrama She Two Times, based on the true experiences of a Slovak ex-pat living in Slovenia, was published both in Slovenian (Slovenka na kvadrat, 2009) and Slovakian languages (2011). The cabaret production, directed by Nick Upper and performed by Lucia Siposová, was presented at A4-Associations for Contemporary Culture in Bratislava in 2013. The performance was staged as a co-production by ŠKUC Association, Ex Ponto International Festival, Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association, and Cankarjev dom from Slovenia along with AEON from Slovakia.

In 2013 Rozinteater with Andrej Rozman Roza performed in Bratislava with the monodrama Že spet obisk [A Visit, Again].

Peach Buds or Multimedia Haiku, a presentation of haiku poetry with Stanislava Repar and Primož Repar (Apokalipsa Cultural and Artistic Association) took place in 2014 at the Galéria Artotéka in Bratislava.

Visual arts

The premises of the embassy are also used to host exhibitions (by graphic artist Ada Poklač, photographers Marko Lipuša and Sonja Lebedinec). In 2013 during the 23rd edition of Bratislava Month of Photography, an exhibition by Rajko Bizjak was presented in co-organisation with Photon Gallery from Ljubljana, while in 2014 Boris Farič was presented at the same manifestation.


An exhibition on the life and work of Janez Puhar, the inventor of the photographic plate, was presented by the Technical Museum of Slovenia at the Museum of Transport in Bratislava.

See also

External links

Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije Bratislava +
Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije Bratislava +
813 15 Bratislava +
Ventúrska 5 +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bratislava was opened in 1997 as an official representative body of the Slovene Government to the Slovak Republic. +
The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bratislava was opened in 1997 as an official representative body of the Slovene Government to the Slovak Republic. +
+421 2 5726 7700 +
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