Literary Association IA


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Past events

Literary Association IA was initiated in 2006 by poet Iztok Osojnik with the aim to facilitate international literary events and publishing projects. The name derives from Srečko Kosovel's poem Kons 5. The association collaborates with a number of organisations, publishing houses, magazines, festivals and events in Slovenia and abroad in organising literary festivals, symposia and gatherings, as well as the annual International Golden Boat Translation Workshop (Zlati čoln), held in Škocjan in the Karst region.

Translation Workshop Golden Boat 2010 - Literary Association IA.jpgPoster for the 8th annual Translation Workshop Golden Boat - Prevajalska delavnica Zlati čoln, 2010

Programme and activities

In addition to the annual translation workshop, Literary Association IA organises an annual residency programme in Škocjan, which strives to stimulate the translation of Slovene literary works. Foreign translators are afforded an opportunity to spend two weeks in Slovenia, the possibility of working side by side with the author and access to needed materials or sources. They also coordinate tours of Slovene authors abroad, called the Slavic Bridge and the European Bridge, to promote their works and facilitate international cooperation. Together with Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association, IA initiated for the first time in 2010 the Festival of Slovene Culture Golden Boat in Krakow, Poland. The visits of Slovene authors to foreign countries are accompanied by publications of anthologies of their translated works.

Literary Association IA co-organized together with Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association and Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language translation workshop and discussion with Tatjana Jamnik in the framework of World Festival of Slovene Culture at Herbaciarnia Marzenie in Sosnowiec, Poland.

The 7th edition of the Zlati čoln in 2009 (cc) Hana Kovač & Literary Association IA

See also

External links


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Literarno društvo IA +
Literarno društvo IA +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Ziherlova 6 +
Literary Association IA was initiated in 2006 by poet Iztok Osojnik with the aim to facilitate international literary events and publishing projects. +
Literary Association IA was initiated in 2006 by poet Iztok Osojnik with the aim to facilitate international literary events and publishing projects. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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