Škocjan Caves World Heritage Site

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The Škocjan Caves system comprises some 6 kilometres of galleries more than 200 metres deep, many waterfalls and one of the largest-known underground chambers. The site, located in the Kras (Karst) region in western Slovenia, is one of the most famous in the world for the study of karstic phenomena such as caves, sink holes, natural bridges, gorges, potholes, collapse valleys (doline), abysses, underground canyon, passages covered with flowstone deposits, and underground springs. Evidence exists that the interior of the cave has been inhabited since the Mesolithic era.

UNESCO placed the site on its list of natural and cultural world heritage sites in 1986, one of only 4 cave systems world-wide to be labelled as such.

In 2013 the website VirtualTourist.com included the Škocjan Caves in the running in its contest for the title of "8th Wonder of the World". From 3 June to 30 September site visitors could vote for one of the selected natural or man-made attractions from around the world – competing against locations from Australia's 12 Apostles to Yellowstone National Park makes it a tough call. But the 90.000 annual visitors to the caves know that, title or no title, the Škocjan Caves are a magnificent and inspiring eco-system.

See also

External links

Škocjanske jame +
Škocjanske jame +
SI-6215 Divača +
Škocjan 2 +
The Škocjan Caves system comprises some 6 kilometres of galleries more than 200 metres deep, many waterfalls and one of the largest-known underground chambers. +
The Škocjan Caves system comprises some 6 kilometres of galleries more than 200 metres deep, many waterfalls and one of the largest-known underground chambers. +
+386 / 5 708 2100 +
Divača +
SI-6215 +
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