Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association

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Kulturno-umetniško društvo Police Dubove
Vnanje Gorice, Nova pot 142, SI-1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani
Past events

The Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association was established in 2007 and is active in different fields of culture with a view to promoting Slovene literature in Slovenia and abroad. The association is engaged in a wide range of activities arranged by a group of authors, translators, lecturers and editors.

The association organises translation and other creative workshops, cultural events in Slovenia and abroad, visits of authors, and literary and artistic installations on the Internet. Much effort is put into supporting Slovene lectureships (for language, literature and culture) at foreign universities. One of Polica Dubova publishing focuses is on contemporary Polish and Czech authors. They introduce such authors as Jerzy Franczak, Ivana Myšková and Jan Němec to Slovene readers. Books are accessible in the Pólica Dubova Internet Bookshop and also in bookshops and libraries all over Slovenia.

Solaris 2010 - book cover - Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association.jpgSolaris by Stanislaw Lem; translated by Tatjana Jamnik, 2010


Many of the projects of Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association are organised abroad with the aim of promoting Slovene literature through the visits of Slovene authors. In 2010, in cooperation with the Literary Association IA, the association initiated the Festival of Slovene Culture Golden Boat (Zlati čoln) in Krakow, Poland. The festival takes its name from a posthumously published poetry collection by Srečko Kosovel (1904–1926), a renowned Slovene poet. The festival consists of various cultural events, readings, lectures, concerts, exhibitions, and film projections.

A translation workshop mostly aimed at Polish students of the Slovenian language in Bielsko-Biała also takes place. Students work on their translations in direct dialogue with the visiting authors. The workshop is further enhanced by a literary evening with Slovene authors and translators. Together with the Literary Association IA the association organises visits of Slovene authors to Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Serbia, and other countries.

Many of the projects of the association are a joint effort of similar Slovene and foreign associations and institutions, such as the Literary Association IA, Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language, Slovenian Association of Literary Translators, Centre for Slovenian Literature, as well as the Instytut Mikołowski, the Jagelon University of Krakow, and the University of Bielsko-Biala in Poland. Projects are also supported by Creative Europe Programme of EU and Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency.

See also

External links


Kulturno-umetniško društvo Police Dubove +
Kulturno-umetniško društvo Police Dubove +
SI-1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani +
Vnanje Gorice, Nova pot 142 +
The Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association was established in 2007 and is active in different fields of culture with a view to promoting Slovene literature in Slovenia and abroad. +
The Polica Dubova Cultural and Artistic Association was established in 2007 and is active in different fields of culture with a view to promoting Slovene literature in Slovenia and abroad. +
Založba KUD Police Dubove organizira izdaja knjige s področja leposlovja in humanistike. +
Brezovica pri Ljubljani +
SI-1351 +
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