Slovenian Association of Literary Translators


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Društvo slovenskih književnih prevajalcev (DSKP)
Tomšičeva 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 421 0579, 386 (0) 40 785 522
Past events

The Slovenian Association of Literary Translators was founded in 1953 as a professional union engaged in maintaining a high level of translation work and developing contacts among translators. The association organises literary and debate evenings, publication presentations, professional meetings, lectures and conferences. It strives to stimulate international academic exchanges involving translators and collaborates with other cultural, educational and professional organisations and institutions in Slovenia and abroad. Its publishing activities comprise numerous publications on translation, such as Hieronymus – Journal for Translation. In 2018, the association published a white book on translation, the core text for all those who deal with language professionally.

The Slovenian Association of Literary Translators is a member of the Conseil Européen des Associations de Traducteurs Littéraires (CEATL).

Awards and scholarships

The association recognises significant work in translation by presenting different awards and scholarships. In cooperation with the Slovenian Book Agency and several publishing houses, the association bestows the annual Sovre Award upon one or two Slovene translators for best translation. To recognise remarkable achievements in translation and life work in the area of mediating Slovene literature to foreign nations, the association presents the Lavrin Diploma. Since 2015, the Jerman Award has been bestowed for the translation of a work in the humanities and social sciences.

At the Slovene Book Fair, young and budding literary translators are honoured with the Radojka Vrančič Award. In order to support and stimulate translation work, the association also presents a number of residency and working scholarships.

See also

External links

Društvo slovenskih književnih prevajalcev (DSKP) +
Društvo slovenskih književnih prevajalcev (DSKP) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Tomšičeva 12 +
The Slovenian Association of Literary Translators was founded in 1953 as a professional union engaged in maintaining a high level of translation work and developing contacts among translators. +
The Slovenian Association of Literary Translators was founded in 1953 as a professional union engaged in maintaining a high level of translation work and developing contacts among translators. +
+386 / 1 421 0579, 386 / 40 785 522 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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