CGU Printmaking Art Centre


CGU - Center grafičnih umetnosti
Glavni trg 22, SI-2000 Maribor

Phone386 (0) 41 260 895

House! Society for People and Spaces established in 2014 its Printmaking Art Centre (CGU – Center grafičnih umetnosti), an on-going international workshop for printmaking art. It is currently located at GT22 in the Maribor old town centre.

Graphic Spring

In 2014 the the first Graphic Spring, an international student art prints exhibition took place at the CGU, featuring also the best student works of the fine arts academies in Zagreb, Belgrade and Sarajevo. At the second edition of Graphic Spring participated the art academies of Vienna and Wroclaw, too. The works selected by international jury were exhibited in December 2015 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo.

See also

External links


CGU - Center grafičnih umetnosti +
46.56 +
CGU - Center grafičnih umetnosti +
15.649 +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Glavni trg 22 +
House! Society for People and Spaces established in 2014 its Printmaking Art Centre (CGU – Center grafičnih umetnosti), an on-going international workshop for printmaking art. +
House! Society for People and Spaces established in 2014 its Printmaking Art Centre (CGU – Center grafičnih umetnosti), an on-going international workshop for printmaking art. +
+386 / 41 260 895 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +