Založba /*cf



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Založba /*cf. Zavod za založniško in raziskovalno dejavnost
Dalmatinova 2/I, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 434 4431, 386 (0) 31 386 664
Past events

Založba /*cf - Institute for Publishing and Research Activities publishes books in various fields of humanities, written by both eminent and new authors. Cf. is an abbreviation for the Latin-derived word confer, meaning "compare" or "consult", and is often used in footnotes to refer the reader from one text to another. The publishing house founders chose this name because they saw all texts as interconnected and incomplete, and their aim is to introduce readers to books that transcended what they already knew.

Since 1997 when Založba /*cf was founded by Zoja Skušek over 200 titles appeared within several series. They include translations of Althusser, Barthes, Bataille, Benevolo, Burke, Bardin, Freud, Eco, Foucault, Groys, Rougemont, Wellerstein, Veličković and Woolf, and new texts from the field of anthropology, sociology, linguistics and art history by Slovene authors such as Igor Zabel, Borut Brumen, Zoran Hočevar, Vlasta Jalušič, Igor Žagar, Rastko Močnik, Miklavž Komelj, Tomislav Vignjević, and Beti Žerovc.

Book series

The books appear in several series: the Red, Lilac, Orange, Yellow, Green and Blue series, the Kaif series, the Pocket series and the Extra and Varia series. Each series has a slightly different focus: for example, the Red series as the main series is composed of translations of important works in the field of humanities and social sciences, while the Orange one is dedicated to Slovene books in the same field; selected works of non-European literature are published in the Kaif series, the Lilac series focuses on feminist theory; the Blue edition is dedicated to The Making of Europe and related issues; the Green series is composed of works of fiction, the Yellow brings essays and biographies, and Varia series consists of photographic monographies and travelogues. Shorter texts are published in the Extra series. The Pocket series is released in co-operation with SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts and its subject is modern art.

International projects

In 2003 Založba /*cf launched its translation of the series The Making of Europe conceived in five languages by Jacques Le Goff for a network of five European publishing houses – the first part featured texts by Umberto Eco, Hagen Schulze, Franco Cardini, Jack Goody, and Joseph Fontana, the last 3 out of 18 books were by Jacques Le Goff, Luciano Canfora, and Peter Brown. The project was conceived as a professional series on European themes, simultaneously accessible to a wider public. In 2003 and 2004 Založba /*cf got a grant for the translations in this series from the Culture 2000 programme of the European Commission.

Založba /*cf has been collaborating with (among others): Howard Fertig Publisher (NY, USA), Penguin Random House LCC/Knopf Doubleday Rights (NY, USA), Melville House Publishing (NY, USA), Fischer Verlag Gmbh (Germany), Suhrkamp Verlag (Germany).


Založba /*cf received many awards, for example the Jerman Award, accolade given each year for the translation of a work in the humanities and social sciences into Slovenian language, Alenka Mercina recived it for translation of LTI-Lingua Tertii Imperii (Govorica tretjega rajha) by Victor Klemperer in 2016

See also

External links

... more about "Založba /*cf"
Založba /*cf. Zavod za založniško in raziskovalno dejavnost +
Založba /*cf. Zavod za založniško in raziskovalno dejavnost +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Dalmatinova 2/I +
Založba /*cf - Institute for Publishing and Research Activities publishes books in various fields of humanities, written by both eminent and new authors. +
Založba /*cf - Institute for Publishing and Research Activities publishes books in various fields of humanities, written by both eminent and new authors. +
Založba /*cf je inštitut za založniško in raziskovalno dejavnost, ki objavlja knjige iz različnih področij humanistike in družboslovja. +
+386 / 1 434 4431, 386 / 31 386 664 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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