SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts


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SCCA, Zavod za sodobno umetnost - Ljubljana
Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 431 8385
Past events

SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts Library 2009 GAMA meeting.jpgGAMA meeting at SCCA Library, 2009

Established in 2000, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts (a successor to the Soros Centre for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana, 1993–1999) is a generator of innovative programmes and services that facilitate artistic and interpretative practices. Its diverse activities address artists, curators, theorists, and critics in the fields of visual and new media arts. They trigger discursive and social practices and are rooted in the interdisciplinary approach and intense international cooperation. SCCA-Ljubljana divides its programme into four complementary areas: projects, video/archive, school and services.


Since 1994 SCCA-Ljubljana has also been conceiving public projects that tackle issues of documentation, presentation and reflection of contemporary arts practices. The projects function as public platforms that enable debates and/or presentations.


Alternative ways of display and public presentations of artistic practices are organised in the SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts Project Room within the "No Nails, No Pedestals" and "Studio 6" programmes. The latter presents curatorial dialogues (e.g., Jurij Krpan with Polona Tratnik, Nevenka Šivavec with Andreja Džakušič). Apart from personal exhibitions, topical curatorial projects are developed as well (e.g., Female Artist – the Art of Survival).

SCCA-Ljubljana also cooperates with plenty other Slovene and international galleries and art spaces. Usually the exhibition projects are connected with another of SCCA-Ljubljana's programmes. In winter 2009 the Alkatraz Gallery featured the group exhibition Around the world of art in 4.380 days curated by Saša Nabergoj, a complex overview of the 12-year-history of World of Art: School for Contemporary Arts assembling selected art works and documentary material from video and audio archive of numerous events, exhibitions, workshops and lectures from this unique educational programme in Slovenia (see more below).

SCCA-Ljubljana occasionally also prepares exhibitions in the Match Gallery or Škuc Gallery.

Documentation, archives and public presentations

Some of the SCCA-Ljubljana projects have introduced new aspects of art documentation. Since 1997 the work of 23 Slovene artists and artistic groups have been presented in the Internet Portfolio, an innovative online project, conceptually deriving from the specifics of the Internet features.

SCCA-Ljubljana also specialises in video art. Since 1996 it has prepared Videospotting, survey and thematic programmes of Slovene video art, which are rooted in the acclaimed pioneer documentation project Videodokument: Video art in Slovenia 1969–1998 (a catalogue with documentation, a book of essays, a CD-ROM and a website). The centre prepares tailored curatorial projects for the hosting spaces such as The Foundation & Gallery 3.14, Bergen (Norway), where in 2008 it featured the video exhibition, presentation and lecture by Barbara Borčić entitled VS_BERGEN that showed works of three curated programmes Videodokument_Presents, Eyedentify Yourself, and Creatures II.

Recently SCCA-Ljubljana has developed DIVA Station, a new umbrella platform for the above programmes, which is also a partner archive of GAMA (Gateway to Archives of Media Art), an international Internet platform, which brings together European video and media archives to make them more visible and easily accessible. The Diva Station premièred at Škuc Gallery in June 2009.


Occasionally some of the SCCA-Ljubljana activities demand a thorough reflection. Since there is no academic institution in Slovenia that systematically covers the issues of contemporary arts, SCCA-Ljubljana pioneers in the field by articulating and addressing particular topics. Its efforts contribute considerably to the understanding of contemporary art practice and its context. In the past decade SCCA-Ljubljana's researches have covered the geopolitical notion of the arts (What Is to Be Done with “Balkan Art”?, from 2003), the archiving of the artworks in the light of digitalisation (What is to Be Done with AV Archives?, What Is Going on Concerning AV Archives?, 2005 and 2007), and the impact of the large-scale cultural event on the local community (Manifesta in Our Backyard, 1999–2002). Some of them were wrapped up in the special issues of its (now defunct) Platforma SCCA magazine.


SCCA-Ljubljana's school activities comprise the annual World of Art: School for Contemporary Arts, the SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts Library with a Videotheque and occasional workshops with Slovene and international mentors, tutors and lecturers like Mike Hentz, Miško Šuvaković, Ivana Keser (since 2000). The World of Art: School for Contemporary Arts is unique in Slovenia and pioneering in the broader region of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe. Deriving from the curatorial expertise it offers practical skills and theoretical education in the field of contemporary arts.


Recently SCCA-Ljubljana has also cooperated with Ljudmila - Ljubljana Digital Media Lab as the co-producer of the workshop of critical writing for new media arts entitled "art[click]+ika" and is one of partners of international programme On-AiR, a European tool for artists offering seminars, mobility workshops and training programmes on artist-in-residence opportunities featured occasionally between May 2010 and April 2012.

Library and videotheque

The SCCA-Ljubljana library holds books, catalogues, and periodicals on contemporary art, art theory, and topics of curatorial practices with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe as well as Asia. It includes a videotheque, a study video and audio archive (analogue and digital) of contemporary arts with a focus on video art of mainly Slovene artists (see Videodokument).


SCCA-Ljubljana offers information and manages services in respect to various competitions for artists and cultural organisations (e.g., ArtsLink Awards). All of its service activities complement each other, representing a comprehensive information and advisory support system for arts and culture. The main characteristic of all its programmes is open and free access for all users operating in Slovenia and worldwide.

Beside its own online services and Evrokultura, SCCA-Ljubljana also manages the Cultural Contact Point Slovenia, offering information and administering applications for EU funding schemes such as the Culture Programme. Since 2008 it runs also the Cultural Point ALF for Slovenia (Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation (ALF)).

International co-production and networking

SCCA-Ljubljana is currently active as co-producer and partner of the new biennial of contemporary arts in the Balkan region entitled D-O ARK Underground, which is starting in May 2011 in Konjic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and is accompanied by a special programme starting in September 2010.

It has been engaged also in the "Gateway to Archives of Media Art" (GAMA) project, which provides access to a wealth of information about the works of both well-known and emerging media artists from European collections of media art.

SCCA-Ljubljana is a member of the Culture Action Europe, Brussels (CAE), Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation (ALF), International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art, Luksemburg (IKT), the International Contemporary Art Network (ICAN), the European Forum for the Arts and Heritage (EFAH), the (International Encounters on Arts and Media Network (RAMI) as well as the Asociacija the Association of Arts and Culture NGOs and Freelancers in Ljubljana.

See also




External links

International projects



SCCA, Zavod za sodobno umetnost - Ljubljana +
SCCA, Zavod za sodobno umetnost - Ljubljana +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Metelkova 6 +
Established in 2000, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary ArtsEstablished in 2000, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts (a successor to the Soros Centre for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana, 1993–1999) is a generator of innovative programmes and services that facilitate artistic and interpretative practices.ate artistic and interpretative practices. +
Established in 2000, SCCA-Ljubljana CentreEstablished in 2000, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts (a successor to the Soros Centre for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana, 1993–1999) is a generator of innovative programmes and services that facilitate artistic and interpretative practices.ate artistic and interpretative practices. +
+386 / 1 431 8385 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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