World of Art: School for Contemporary Arts


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World of Art School for Contemporary Arts 2009 World of Art anthologies.jpgWorld of Art anthologies

Run by the SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts since 1997, the annual World of Art: School for Contemporary Arts [Svet umetnosti] is the sole programme in Slovenia and a pioneering one in the broader region of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe which offers practical and theoretical education in the field of contemporary art.

The annual programme comprises two semesters, the first one is more theory oriented, the second one is practical and is dedicated to the conceptualisation and realisation of a student-curated exhibition of contemporary art under the guidance of the programme tutors. The exhibition is also accompanied by a catalogue including texts written by the students.


The programme was introduced in 1997 on a premise that future experts (critics and curators) need and should be taught the necessary skills and methods to gain knowledge of the critical and theoretical apparatus to self-confidently approach the complex matter of the world of art. The current tutors are Alenka Gregorič and Miran Mohar.

Within lectures the programme offers also an overview of 20th-century artistic practices, trends, socio-political contexts and key shifts in the understanding, thematisation, analysis and historical positioning of fine arts. Beside paying attention to the lectures on the structure of the art system in Slovenia and its correspondence with the international context, the World of the Art also opens topics of video as a tool and strategy of artistic expression. Beside visits of exhibitions and artists studios the school offers also the workshop to improve and familiarise the students with the history and theory of art criticism and curatorial concepts.


In its 25th year the School is entering in partnership with the Cukrarna Palace, a cultural-infrastructure project of the Municipality of Ljubljana and its Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana. In addition to Alkatraz Gallery which has featured the final exhibition of the school, gallery partners of past editions were ŠKUC Gallery and Kapelica Gallery) in Ljubljana. Additional lectures were also held in Nova Gorica Arts Centre and Celje Gallery of Contemporary Art. In the latest edition World of Art also collaborates with the Department of Art History at the University of Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts. The Models of training and collaboration in contemporary arts project runs in collaboration with ECM, educating, curating and managing studies at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Postgraduate Museological Curatorial Studies at the University Jagiellonski Krakow and KURZIV, Platform for Culture, Media and Society Zagreb. The project is part of Leonardo da Vinci partnership within the European Lifelong Learning Programme.

The joint project ATOM2 (A je TO! uMetnost, phAntom TO Mindset) was developed in 2010 in collaboration with the Postgraduate Curatorial Studies of Institute Cultural Studies in the Arts (Zürich Art University) and is funded through the Slovenian-Swiss cooperation programme to reduce economic and social disparities within the enlarged European Union.

See also

External links


Svet umetnosti +
Svet umetnosti +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Metelkova 6 +
The annual programme comprises two semesteThe annual programme comprises two semesters, the first one is more theory oriented, the second one is practical and is dedicated to the conceptualisation and realisation of a student-curated exhibition of contemporary art under the guidance of the programme tutors.nder the guidance of the programme tutors. +
The annual programme comprises two semesteThe annual programme comprises two semesters, the first one is more theory oriented, the second one is practical and is dedicated to the conceptualisation and realisation of a student-curated exhibition of contemporary art under the guidance of the programme tutors.nder the guidance of the programme tutors. +
+386 / 1 431 8385 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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