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Videodokument - video art in Slovenia 1969–1998
Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 431 8385 - 01.jpgVideodokument, online version

Videodokument is a documentation, archival and research project which offers a comprehensive overview of 30 years (1969–1998) of video art in Slovenia, developed within the scope of the SCCA-Ljubljana (former Soros Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana Documentation Programme). It comprises the catalogue, essays, CD-ROM, website and videotheque, and emanates through the Videospotting survey or thematic programmes. The project ran from 1994 to 1999 and has been followed by DIVA Station, an online digital video archive.


The catalogue of the Videodokument presents more than 400 video works by 21 artists: Vuk Ćosić, Nuša Dragan, Srečo Dragan, Jasna Hribernik, Marko Košnik, Marko A. Kovačič, Ema Kugler, Andrej Lupinc, Marijan Osole-Max, Marko Peljhan, Sašo Podgoršek, Nataša Prosenc, Rok Sieberer-Kuri, Mirko Simić, Apolonija Šušteršič, Peter Vezjak, Miha Vipotnik, Sašo Vrabič, Andrej Zdravič, and Zank (Zemira Alajbegović and Neven Korda). The documentation is in pictures and text, and includes a chronology of events, commentaries and list of video works with a final index of names.

The CD-ROM presents excerpts from the catalogue and the book of essays, with reduced data files, more visual material, cross-references and .avi movies.

A book of essays provides the reader information about the history and usage of video technology and its relationship to other art and culture practices. It comprises texts of visible Slovene authors such as Barbara Borčić, Brane Kovič, Bogdan Lešnik, Majda Širca, Igor Španjol, and Nadja Zgonik to name just some.

The Videodokument website is an interactive online presentation of the project which includes some material from the catalogue, introduces the essays and presents a production time-line which shows the density of video works by individual artists in specific years and periods.

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Videodokument - video art in Slovenia 1969–1998 +
Videodokument - video art in Slovenia 1969–1998 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Metelkova 6 +
VideodokumentVideodokument is a documentation, archival and research project which offers a comprehensive overview of 30 years (1969–1998) of video art in Slovenia, developed within the scope of the SCCA-Ljubljana (former Soros Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana Documentation Programme).ndash; Ljubljana Documentation Programme). +
Videodokument is a documentation, archivalVideodokument is a documentation, archival and research project which offers a comprehensive overview of 30 years (1969–1998) of video art in Slovenia, developed within the scope of the SCCA-Ljubljana (former Soros Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana Documentation Programme).#8211; Ljubljana Documentation Programme). +
+386 / 1 431 8385 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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