Slovene Musicological Society


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Slovensko muzikološko društvo
Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 1440

The Slovene Musicological Society was established in 1992 with the primary aim to actively participate in the work of different musicological and musical institutions from Slovenia and Europe. It is the only professional Slovene association which unites all musicologists and professional musicians. It comprises four sections: the ethnomusicological section, the section for the theory of music, the section for the history of the Slovene music, and the student's section.


The Slovene Musicological Society prepares scientific conferences, lectures of Slovene-based and foreign musicologists, educational modules, and public debates. In addition, to regularly publishing its own bulletin, the society also publishes a series called Varia Musicologica comprised of six titles.

In 2017 when the society was celebrating its 25th anniversary they organised first annual event called Slovenski dnevi muzikologije ("Days of Slovenian Musicology") where they present the achievements in the field of musicology in Slovenia accompanied with lectures, panels and classical music concerts.

Since 2004, the Slovene Musicological Society has been biennially awarding the Mantuani Prize and the Mantuani Award for Achievements in Musicology. The Mantuani Award is given for lifetime achievement, while the Mantuani Award is awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of musicology.

Bilten 2009 no 25.jpgSlovene Musicological Society Bilten, No. 25, 2009

Thus far presidents of the Slovene Musicological Society have been Andrej Rijavec, Jurij Snoj, Primož Kuret and Matjaž Barbo. The honorary members of the society are Dragotin Cvetko, Andrej Rijavec, Marija Bergamo, Matjaž Barbo, Gregor Pompe, Vesna Venišnik and currently Katarina Bogunović Hočevar.

See also

External links


Slovensko muzikološko društvo +
Slovensko muzikološko društvo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Aškerčeva 2 +
The Slovene Musicological Society was established in 1992 with the primary aim to actively participate in the work of different musicological and musical institutions from Slovenia and Europe. +
The Slovene Musicological Society was established in 1992 with the primary aim to actively participate in the work of different musicological and musical institutions from Slovenia and Europe. +
+386 / 1 241 1440 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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