Bežigrad Library



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Knjižnica Bežigrad
Einspielerjeva 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 236 3800

The Bežigrad Library, located in the Bežigrad district of Ljubljana, was founded in 1949. Public access to books was established in 1961. The library operates a network of branches: Črnuče, Glinškova ploščad, Savsko naselje, and Dr France Škerl Libraries, all in the Ljubljana suburbs. In 2008 the Bežigrad Library itself became one of the branches of the Ljubljana City Library.

In 2000 the library moved to modern new premises comprising 2,392 square metres of space. It offers access to a wide spectrum of literature and includes an 80-seat reading room and a hall for lectures. Its collection comprises over 200,000 items and its registered readership is over 24,000. The library hosts some 600 special events each year, including book readings, film showings, exhibitions, lectures and presentations on various subjects.

See also

External links