Ljubljana City Library

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Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana
Kersnikova 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 600 1300

In 2008, the Oton Župančič Library joined forces with the Bežigrad Library, Slovanska Library, Prežihov Voranc Library, Šiška Library, and Jože Mazovec Library to become the biggest public library in Slovenia, now known as the Ljubljana City Library, which performs the tasks of regional library for the central Slovenia region. It has 40 units, the last one was a new library in Zadvor opened in 2011.

International cooperation

Alongside maintaining its collection and organising numerous events for children, youth and adults, the Ljubljana City Library and its branch libraries actively engage in local, national and international projects which promote learning, library usage and literary skills.

Among its international projects, the library is currently participating in the project EASY Incl.: Easy to join education – Inclusion for all! (2008–2010) with 10 partners from 6 countries (Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Turkey). The project is funded in part by the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme.

Past projects include: ENTITLE: Europe's New libraries Together In Transversal Learning Environments (2007–2009) with 13 partners from 12 countries and supported also by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union; TUNE: Training of Library Users in a New Europe (2005–2006) a project of the Oton Župančič Library in partnership with libraries in Denmark, Spain, and Sweden, supported by the Culture 2000 programme of the European Union; and PuLLS: Public Libraries in the Learning Society (2004–2006) supported by the European Union's Gruntvig/Socrates programme.

Ljubljana City Library is a member of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and houses the office of the Slovene Section of IBBY.

See also

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Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana +
46.052 +
Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana +
14.504 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Kersnikova 2 +
In 2008, the Oton Župančič Library joIn 2008, the Oton Župančič Library joined forces with the Bežigrad Library, Slovanska Library, Prežihov Voranc Library, Šiška Library, and Jože Mazovec Library to become the biggest public library in Slovenia, now known as the Ljubljana City Library, which performs the tasks of regional library for the central Slovenia region.l library for the central Slovenia region. +
In 2008, the Oton Župančič Library joined In 2008, the Oton Župančič Library joined forces with the Bežigrad Library, Slovanska Library, Prežihov Voranc Library, Šiška Library, and Jože Mazovec Library to become the biggest public library in Slovenia, now known as the Ljubljana City Library, which performs the tasks of regional library for the central Slovenia region.l library for the central Slovenia region. +
+386 / 1 600 1300 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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