Pionirska - Centre for Youth Literature and Librarianship

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Pionirska - center za mladinsko književnost in knjižničarstvo
Kersnikova 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 308 516o

Pionirska – Centre for Youth Literature and Librarianship, established in 1948, is the only national centre for collecting and distributing information on youth literature, librarianship and the promotion of reading. It organises monthly expert meetings on youth and school librarianship and a number of projects in the field of reading aimed at young people across Slovenia, in neighbouring countries and abroad.


Pionirska – Centre for Youth Literature and Librarianship affords access to its reading room and archive of youth literature (original books in Slovenian and translations from foreign languages), Slovene youth magazines, Slovene youth literature translated into foreign languages, and a collection of foreign language picture books.

Professional Wednesdays(Strokovne srede) are monthly meetings focusing on youth literature, intended for improving and broadening librarians' knowledge.

My Favourite Book (Moja naj knjiga) is an annual project in which around 30,000 elementary school children vote for their favourite books in the categories of Slovene youth literature and youth literature translations. In a ceremony held on 2 April, the International Children's Book Day, awards are presented to the winning authors and publishers. This project is a joint effort of Pionirska, the Slovene Section of IBBY, and the Slovenian Library Association.

Organised in cooperation with museums and public libraries across the country, the national quiz called Megaquiz (Megakviz) for elementary schools is a round of quizzes on renowned Slovenes from various fields of knowledge and art and their cultural regions.

Other activities include preparing bibliographies, promoting youth literature by way of lectures and presentations, as well as actively working with the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) (since 1992 Pionirska holds the Slovene Section headquarters). It has been a part of Ljubljana City Library since 2008.


The centre prepares and publishes an annual guide to reading quality youth literature Manual for reading quality youth books (Priročnik za branje kakovostnih mladinskih knjig), which informs parents, teachers, librarians and publishers about new Slovene children and youth literature and promotes quality book production. Since 1977 it has been the co-publisher of The Child and a Book (Otrok in knjiga), a journal which discusses literary education and children's literature.

See also

External links

Pionirska - center za mladinsko književnost in knjižničarstvo +
Pionirska - center za mladinsko književnost in knjižničarstvo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Kersnikova 2 +
[[Pionirska - Centre for Youth Literature Pionirska – Centre for Youth Literature and Librarianship, established in 1948, is the only national centre for collecting and distributing information on youth literature, librarianship and the promotion of reading.ibrarianship and the promotion of reading. +
Pionirska – Centre for Youth Literature and Librarianship, established in 1948, is the only national centre for collecting and distributing information on youth literature, librarianship and the promotion of reading. +
+386 / 1 308 516o +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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