Velenje Literary Foundation



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Ustanova Velenjska knjižna fundacija (UVKF)
Stari trg 26, SI-3320 Velenje
Phone386 (0) 41 623740

The Velenje Literary Foundation (UVKF) is a non-profit cultural institution operating in the public interest. It was founded in 2001 by the Municipality of Velenje upon the suggestion of author Ivo Stropnik.

The mission of the Velenje Literary Foundation (UVKF) is to provide moral, organizational, and professional support for spoken arts, literary and linguistic culture in the Velenje area and beyond. It aims to promote sponsorship and other forms of support for UVKF’s activities, focusing on domestic-research, spoken-art, linguistic-cultural, and other literary content that has a starting point or connection in Velenje in terms of the author, subject, organization, publishing, education, promotion, or other (inter)cultural connections.

The Velenje Literary Foundation (established in 2001) publishes books by authors from Velenje and/or about Velenje and organizes Lirikonfest Velenje, a traditional festival of 21st-century lyrical and travelogue arts with international participation and prestigious literary awards: Velenjica - the Goblet of Immortality for 10 years of outstanding poetry by a Slovenian author, the International Pretnar Award for the ambassadors of poetry, Slovenian literature and language, Lirikon’s Gold Piece for outstanding festival translations of 21st-century poetry for adults, and the Winged Turtle for the best Slovenian literary travelogue, published as a book in the previous year, or the best Slovenian literary travelogue not yet published as a book.

In Staro Velenje, UVKF has established an editorial, publication, and proofreading services office, Čitalnica pri pesniški duši (Poet’s Soul Reading Room), an office for the international literary and translation residency, a residential pavilion with an art installation Rezervat za poezijo (Poetry Reserve), a street vending machine for books called Knjigolin21, and a street book stand called Vsako sončno sredo (Every Sunny Wednesday).


The main event held under the auspices of the Velenje Literary Foundation is the Lirikonfest festival, featuring international participation from authors, theoreticians, translators, and artists from Slovenia and abroad. UVKF also organizes readings of Slovene and translated poetry called Lirikon(fest)ove degustacije (Lirikon(fest) Tastings).


In cooperation with the literary association Velenika, the Velenje Literary Foundation presents the International Pretnar Award to ambassadors of Slovene poetry, literature, and language abroad; the Goblet of Immortality, an award for 10 years of outstanding poetry by a Slovenian author who has had an important impact on 21st-century fine literature; Lirikon’s Gold Piece for outstanding festival translations of 21st-century poetry for adults; Lirikonfest’s Gold Piece for the most substantial essay on the theme of the Lirikonfest roundtable; and Winged Turtle for the best Slovenian literary travelogue, published as a book in the previous year or the best Slovenian literary travelogue not yet published as a book.

International literary residencies

The Velenje Literary Foundation arranges international literary residencies for Slovenian and foreign authors, translators, and international mediators of contemporary literature and art, aiming to support their creative work and promote international cooperation in the Slovenian literary space. During their creative stay, guests introduce themselves to the public through presentations and interviews.


The foundation publishes several book collections: “Velenjana” and “Dom in misel,” featuring local studies and memorial monographs, and studies and dissertations about Velenje; “Znane besede,” “Belodvorski,” “Milenijci,” and “Velnica,” featuring literature for adults; “Čokolada s knjigo” (Chocolate with a Book), for children and young people; “VE59,” which includes short photo monographs about Velenje and its landmarks and attractions; “Velenjski fotopisi/potopisi,” featuring themed photo monographs such as Velenjčani potujejo and Književniki gostujejo v Velenju; and “Velenje XXI,” presenting jubilee (photo) monographs about Velenje. In both its international magazine Rp. Lirikon21 for 21st-century poetry and Lirikonfest, the Velenje Literary Foundation welcomes Slovenian and foreign contributions in poetry and translations.

See also

External links

Ustanova Velenjska knjižna fundacija (UVKF) +
Ustanova Velenjska knjižna fundacija (UVKF) +
SI-3320 Velenje +
Stari trg 26 +
The Velenje Literary Foundation (UVKF) is a non-profit cultural institution operating in the public interest. +
The Velenje Literary Foundation (UVKF) is a non-profit cultural institution operating in the public interest. +
+386 / 41 623740 +
Velenje +
SI-3320 +
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