Krtina Publishing House



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Založba Krtina, Zavod za založništvo, raziskovalne in kulturne dejavnosti
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 251 5585

The Krtina Publishing House publishes works in the fields of sociology and humanities. It was named after the Krt (Mole) Collection, which was established in 1981 contemporaneously with ČKZ Journal for the Critique of Science, for Imagination and New Anthropology by the University of Ljubljana Students' Organisation. In 1995 the autonomous publishing house Krtina was established as a private publishing company and continued with the Krt Collection, a humanities book programme.

Book series

The collection Temeljna dela (Fundamental Works) has brought the Slovene public translations of basic texts by authors of critical thought, such as Foucault, Chomsky, Bourdieu, J. S. Mill, C. S. Pierce, Kantorowicz, Deleuze, Arendt and Beck.

Another book series, Kratka (Short), was launched in 2007 in cooperation with the Oxford University Press – selected titles from the The Very Short Introduction series bring theoretical introductions to various topics from history to humanities, natural science, religion, etc., to the wider public.

Since its inception, the Krt book collection has emerged as a space that enables critical reflection of social phenomena and provides a theoretical basis for absent and neglected areas. This orientation is maintained by Krt until this day, it mainly deals with the challenges posed by the new technological age, in the face of current social and political issues.


Krtinaalso organises public forums on topics closely related to its publishing programme. They support critical reflection on actual social issues and form the theoretical contextualisation for Krtina's translations into Slovenian language. Some of the forums are co-organised with local partners such as Kvarkadabra, Society for Explaining Science, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts, the Department of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, and others.

In 2016, Krtina Publishing House, co-founded together with four publishers – Založba /*cf, Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis, Sophia Publishing House, Studia humanitatis – the publishers cooperative THD. The mission of cooperative is to improve the status of publishing and translating of humanistic works. They organise reading rooms in Vodnik Homestead concerning pressing issues like reproductive rights, education, migration.

See also

External links

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Založba Krtina, Zavod za založništvo, raziskovalne in kulturne dejavnosti +
Založba Krtina, Zavod za založništvo, raziskovalne in kulturne dejavnosti +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1 +
The Krtina Publishing House publishes works in the fields of sociology and humanities. +
The Krtina Publishing House publishes works in the fields of sociology and humanities. +
Založba Krtina objavlja dela s področij sociologije, filozofije in humanistike. +
+386 / 1 251 5585 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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