Kvarkadabra, Society for Explaining Science

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Kvarkadabra, društvo za tolmačenje znanosti
Slovenska 15, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Since the 1990s, when a group of scientists launched the website Kvarkadabra.net and started to answer various questions, the mission of Kvarkadabra has been to bring the mysteries of the natural sciences closer to the widest possible population in Slovenia.

In recent years Kvarkadabra activities have quickly expanded - it has become more and more busy answering various questions on natural science from the many curious readers on the website, debating in the university, giving lectures to a broad audience in student clubs and contributing to the production of TV series.

The first book prepared by Kvarkadabra was Why is the Sky Blue? (published by Krtina), which contained 119 questions and answers submitted by readers of the website, varying from the latest, still hypothetical discoveries in the world of the atom to speculations about the future of the universe. The Kvarkadabra team did not limit their answers only to narrow specialisation, but also offered a complete scientific or technical vision of the issue. This was followed by Kvarkadabra Goes to the Cinema - Essays on Science in Film and Life (also published by Krtina), and Sašo Dolenc's Darwin's Dangerous Idea and Other Stories about the Universe, People and Molecules (published by Studia humanitatis). In 2007 Kvarkadabra was one of 33 nominees for the EU Descartes Prize for Science Communication.

External links

Kvarkadabra, društvo za tolmačenje znanosti +
Kvarkadabra, društvo za tolmačenje znanosti +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Slovenska 15 +
Since the 1990s, when a group of scientistSince the 1990s, when a group of scientists launched the website Kvarkadabra.net and started to answer various questions, the mission of Kvarkadabra has been to bring the mysteries of the natural sciences closer to the widest possible population in Slovenia.he widest possible population in Slovenia. +
Since the 1990s, when a group of scientistSince the 1990s, when a group of scientists launched the website Kvarkadabra.net and started to answer various questions, the mission of Kvarkadabra has been to bring the mysteries of the natural sciences closer to the widest possible population in Slovenia.he widest possible population in Slovenia. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +