Sophia Publishing House



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Založba Sophia
Einspielerjeva ulica 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 434 4935

Originally established as the Research and Publishing Centre in 1990 and renamed in 2002, Sophia Publishing House has published more than 170 titles in the field of social sciences theory. Their publishing programme is composed of several collections. The collection Forward! (Naprej!) is dedicated to humanities, Surviving storms (Previharimo viharje) to essays and historical fiction, and Theory/Reflection (Teorija/Refleksija) to theory.

Occasionally, the Sophia Publishing House also organises roundtables and readings of authors from its catalogue, in collaboration with the Department of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Scientific Research Centre (ZRC SAZU), Slovene Academy of Science and Arts and the Slovenian Book Agency.

Borec Journal

In 2013, the Sophia Publishing House took over publishing of the Borec Journal, a quarterly which had previously been published by the Association for the Research of History, Anthropology and Literature.

THD Cooperative

In 2016, the Sophia Publishing House cofounded the cooperative THD together with four publishers Založba /*cf, Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis, Krtina Publishing House and Studia humanitatis. The mission of the cooperative is to improve the status of publishing and translating of humanistic works. They organise reading rooms in Vodnik Homestead concerning pressing issues such as reproductive rights, education, migration.

See also

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... more about "Sophia Publishing House"
Založba Sophia +
Založba Sophia +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Einspielerjeva ulica 6 +
Originally established as the Research and Publishing Centre in 1990 and renamed in 2002, Sophia Publishing House has published more than 170 titles in the field of social sciences theory. +
Originally established as the Research and Publishing Centre in 1990 and renamed in 2002, Sophia Publishing House has published more than 170 titles in the field of social sciences theory. +
Založba Sophia ponuja kakovostno, izvirno in prevodno družboslovno in humanistično literaturo. Fokusirano je k refleksiji najaktualnejših družbenih dogajanj, pojavov in premikov na globalni ravni in v Sloveniji. +
+386 / 1 434 4935 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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