Luwigana Gallery



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Established in 2000, the Luwigana Gallery is one of two gallery spaces of Studio Černe, a framing company which for more than two decades has offered installation services and equipment for exhibitions around Slovenia, also for private customers. Located in the Ljubljana old city centre, in 2007 the gallery opened another filial in Bled: Gallery 14, which occasionally prepares exhibitions of selected artists and their recent works.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the multidisciplinary group Laibach, both the Luwigana Gallery and Gallery 14 presented the exhibition Laibach 2010 featuring the internationally acclaimed group's latest graphic production based on their rich history of images. These exhibitions accompanied the larger exhibition prepared by the International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana from April to June 2010, entitled Gesamtkunst Laibach, Fundamentals 1980–1990 (Gesamtkunst Laibach, Temelji 1980–1990).

Luwigana Gallery offers a very bright palette of contemporary artworks of Slovene and international artists of all generations, mostly crated in reproductive techniques. The studio also offers the possibility to create giclée fine art prints.

Among numerous artists the works of well-established Slovene artists are also offered such as the graphics of Bogdan Borčić or Stane Jagodič, even of the famous Slovene constructivist Avgust Černigoj to name just a few. The younger generation is represented by the coloured graphics of Arjan Pregl or Primož Pugelj, of whom some photocopies addressing the transformation of the fashion world and prestige into the art world are for sale. Many graphics and works of combined techniques by Irwin and giclée art prints on dibond by Laibach can be purchased in the gallery. Works from the gallery which are available for purchase can also be viewed online.

Exhibition space

  • dimensions: 30m² (6m x 5m x 3.4m H) incorporating 17 linear metres of wall space
  • installation system: Nielsen hanging system
  • lighting: halogen and fluorescent lighting system throughout, natural light from windows
  • climate control: none
  • sales policy: sales permitted, 30% sales commission levied
  • security: security system installed

See also

External links

... more about "Luwigana Gallery"
Galerija Luwigana +
46.047 +
Galerija Luwigana +
14.508 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gornji trg 19 +
Established in 2000, the Luwigana Gallery is one of two gallery spaces of Studio Černe, a framing company which for more than two decades has offered installation services and equipment for exhibitions around Slovenia, also for private customers. +
Established in 2000, the Luwigana Gallery is one of two gallery spaces of Studio Černe, a framing company which for more than two decades has offered installation services and equipment for exhibitions around Slovenia, also for private customers. +
+386 / 1 252 7369 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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