Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre


Slovensko komorno glasbeno gledališče
Sostrska cesta 14 J, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 41 807 104
Past events

The Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre Society was established in 1996 with a purpose to stage chamber and theatre music works from all periods, especially ones from Baroque and modern works. Its members are mostly famous Slovenian musicians and actors, such as Mirjam Kalin, Andrej Debevc, Tomaž Habe, Marko Hribernik and Andrej Misson.

Mission and programme

The society promotes new works of chamber music and theatre from Slovene composers and text writers. They are also open to cooperation with organisations and institutions who wish to collaborate in a production.

Their permanent programme consists of world renowned works by famous composers, such as Der Schauspieldirektor by Mozart, La cambiale di matrimonio by Rossini, and La Lecon de chant electromagnetique by Offenbach, Gian Carlo Menotti's comic opera The Telephone and Leonard Bernstein's opera Trouble in Tahiti. Their newest programme offers Stephen McNeff's Beyond the garden opera, BalerinanierlaB by Petra Strahovnik and L. Bernstein's comic opera Kandid.


The society has already published four publications. Three of them – Obrazi slovenskega baleta (The Faces of Slovenian Ballet) (2008), Karakterni plesi (Dances of European Nations on the Theater Stage) (2005), and Slovenska literarna dela na glasbenogledališkem odru (Slovenian Literature on the Music Stage) (2004) – were written by the accomplished opera director and choreographer, historian of opera and dance, Professor Dr Henrik Neubauer, and one, A Ballerina's Memories (2006), by award-winning ballerina Lidija Sotlar.

Samo Smerkolj Award

Named after Slovene opera vocalist Samo Smerkolj, the Samo Smerkolj Award has been awarded annually since 2008 for the artistic achievements of Slovenian opera singers, especially in the field of chamber opera.

External links

Slovensko komorno glasbeno gledališče +
Slovensko komorno glasbeno gledališče +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Sostrska cesta 14 J +
The Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre Society was established in 1996 with a purpose to stage chamber and theatre music works from all periods, especially ones from Baroque and modern works. +
The Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre Society was established in 1996 with a purpose to stage chamber and theatre music works from all periods, especially ones from Baroque and modern works. +
+386 / 41 807 104 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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