Nebo Puppet Theatre



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Lutkovno gledališče Nebo
Valjavčeva 3, SI-4000 Kranj
Phone386 (0) 31 364 945
Past events

Established in Kranj in 2001, Nebo Puppet Theatre (in English: "sky") adopts an interdisciplinary approach to making puppet theatre by establishing connections between classical puppetry techniques and other media – film, photography, comic strips, etc. Its productions are marked with a distinctive artistic expressivity, permeated with poetics, humour, and innovation.


In its beginnings, Nebo Puppet Theatre mainly staged puppet performances for adults. Presently, the theatre focuses on puppet performances for children and experimental theatre events for adults. Thus far, Nebo has staged several successful plays. Especially popular was the production called The Story About France [Zgodba o Francetu] (2003), directed by comic author Andrej Štular, which dealt with the manifold existential problems of the prominent Slovene romantic poet France Prešeren and his relation toward the world, society, life, and death.

Nebo Puppet Theatre's more recent performances, such as Folk Tales [Take ljudske] (2006), which was nominated for an Award for Best Performance at the Adelaide Fringe Festival in Australia; Pinocchio [Ostržek] (2007); and Why Does the Dog Chase the Rabbit [Zakaj teče pes za zajcem] (2008) have been produced by Forum Ljubljana and Mini Theatre. Recently the group has collaborated mostly with Cankarjev dom and the ŠKUC Association.


Nebo Puppet Theatre's productions appear regularly at Slovene and international puppet festivals. The performance The Choice [Izbira] (2003), directed by Petra Stare, received the award for direction and animation in the Mini Mikro Impro Section at the Summer Puppet Pier Festival. The performance This Is Ernest [To je Ernest] (2005), produced by Forum Ljubljana and co-produced by Cankarjev dom, received the Children Award at the Summer Puppet Pier (2006), the Best Puppet Design Award on the Biennial of the Puppetry Artists Institution of Slovenia (ULU) in Koper (2007) and the Award for Original Idea at the International Puppet Theatre Festival Lutfest in Sarajevo (2008). The Nebo Puppet Theatre performs also at the Lighting Guerrilla Festival.


In recent years, Andrej Štular and Nebo have led puppetry workshops in collaboration with ŠKUC in Ljubljana as well as at the Sajeta Creative Camp, where some of Nebo's performances were also being presented.

See also

External links

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Lutkovno gledališče Nebo +
Lutkovno gledališče Nebo +
SI-4000 Kranj +
Valjavčeva 3 +
Established in Kranj in 2001, Nebo Puppet TheatreEstablished in Kranj in 2001, Nebo Puppet Theatre (in English: "sky") adopts an interdisciplinary approach to making puppet theatre by establishing connections between classical puppetry techniques and other media – film, photography, comic strips, etc.ash; film, photography, comic strips, etc. +
Established in Kranj in 2001, Nebo Puppet Established in Kranj in 2001, Nebo Puppet Theatre (in English: "sky") adopts an interdisciplinary approach to making puppet theatre by establishing connections between classical puppetry techniques and other media – film, photography, comic strips, etc.211; film, photography, comic strips, etc. +
+386 / 31 364 945 +
Kranj +
SI-4000 +
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