Španski borci Culture Centre

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Center kulture Španski borci
Zaloška cesta 61, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 620 8784
Past events

Spanski borci Culture Centre 2010 Exterior.JPGThe front view of the Španski borci Culture Centre.

Španski borci Culture Centre re-opened in November 2009 in the Ljubljana-Moste neighbourhood of the city. Run by En-Knap Productions, the centre represents the largest facility intended for cultural activities in Slovenia managed by a non-governmental organisation. Providing a much-needed performing space in Ljubljana as well as two rehearsal spaces, the centre's programme focuses on stage arts, however, it also cover the areas of music, visual arts, literature, and offers a children's programme. The centre also includes a reading room, mediatheque, coffee shop and gallery.

As the permanent residence of the EnKnapGroup (EKG) and one of the venues of the Gibanica (Moving Cake) Festival of Slovene Dance, the Španski borci Culture Centre has been slated since June 2011 to become the seat of the new Centre of Contemporary Dance, according to the agreement signed by the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Ljubljana.


The centre functions as a permanent rehearsal and performing space for the contemporary dance group EnKnapGroup (EKG), which has presented its latest performances 10 Min East [10 min vzhodno] (2009), 10 Min South [10 min južno] (2010), and Beware, Dance! [Pozor hud ples!] (2010) in the Large Hall. It has also hosted performances by other producers, such as Exodos Institute with the performance Between Us [Med nama] (2009), Vitkar Institute with No-Body Project by Anna Nowicka, the project Solistika by Branko Završan co-produced by Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL), as well as presented newest works of several Slovene dance makers. Španski borci has also hosted workshops in physical theatre and in music.

Španski borci Culture Centre organises around 300 cultural events per year. En-Knap Productions realises its programme with 22 partners. The centre offers its infrastructure also to amateur culture groups as well as organises evenings of tango and swing.

See also

External links


Center kulture Španski borci +
46.056 +
Center kulture Španski borci +
14.535 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Zaloška cesta 61 +
Španski borci Culture Centre re-opened in November 2009 in the Ljubljana-Moste neighbourhood of the city. +
Španski borci Culture Centre re-opened in November 2009 in the Ljubljana-Moste neighbourhood of the city. +
Center kulture Španski borci se ukvarja z različnimi umetniškimi produkcijami, v prvi vrsti s sodobnimi performativnimi umetnostmi in plesom. +
+386 / 1 620 8784 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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