Category:Visual arts venues


Jakopič Gallery

Jakopic Gallery 2013 exhibition Niko Matul 04.jpgNiko Matul : production design : film retrospective and exhibition exhibition organised by Slovenian Cinematheque and Jakopič Gallery Niko Matul : production design : film retrospective and exhibition exhibition organised by Slovenian Cinematheque and Jakopič Gallery

Established in 1988, the Jakopič Gallery is situated in the "look-out" basement floor of Slovenska cesta 9 in the centre of Ljubljana. The contemporary exhibiting space of more than 900 square metres is part of an architectural complex designed by Edvard Ravnikar on the location of the Roman Forum in Emona and includes in situ ruins of ancient government buildings. The Jakopič Gallery was first managed by the Museum of Modern Art, and later taken over by the former Architecture Museum of Ljubljana, which presented contemporary architectural and design exhibitions there until 2004. In 2007, the Municipality of Ljubljana renovated and re-opened the exhibition space, which has been managed by the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana since 2008.

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Jakopic Gallery 2013 exhibition Niko Matul 04.jpg Niko Matul : production design : film retrospective and exhibition exhibition organised by Slovenian Cinematheque and Jakopič Gallery