Šoštanj Culture House

From Culture.si


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Kulturni dom Šoštanj
Trg J. Lampreta 2, SI-3325 Šoštanj
Phone386 (0) 3 898 4338

Run by the Šoštanj Institute for Culture, Šoštanj Culture House organises concerts, theatre shows, film screenings and lectures as well as workshops for children. It also manages a small city gallery for temporary exhibitions and publishes the monthly List bulletin detailing cultural events in the Municipality of Šoštanj, located in the statistical region of Savinja, close to Velenje.

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... more about "Šoštanj Culture House"
Kulturni dom Šoštanj +
46.378 +
Kulturni dom Šoštanj +
15.046 +
SI-3325 Šoštanj +
Trg J. Lampreta 2 +
Run by the Šoštanj Institute for Culture, Šoštanj Culture House organises concerts, theatre shows, film screenings and lectures as well as workshops for children. +
Run by the Šoštanj Institute for Culture, Šoštanj Culture House organises concerts, theatre shows, film screenings and lectures as well as workshops for children. +
Kulturni dom Šoštanj organizira koncerte, gledališke predstave, filmske projekcije in predavanja ter delavnice za otroke. +
+386 / 3 898 4338 +
Šoštanj +
SI-3325 +
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