Art Factory Majšperk



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Tovarna umetnosti, Majšperk

The Art Factory Gallery was founded in 2008 in Majšperk, a municipality in north-eastern Slovenia, located in the hilly region of Haloze. It is a rather unique and different gallery in Slovenia, as it has come to life in former industrial premises in the countryside, far from urban centres. Thus, it is part of the trend of transforming deserted industrial complexes into art centres and studios, and also of decentralising art events from main urban centres. The Art Factory is in many ways a project of its curator, visual artist and academic painter Dušan Fišer. The opening exhibition of the Art Factory in Majšperk presented his work of art.


The programme of the Art Factory is based on the pure artistic enthusiasm of its curator Dušan Fišer, since, although financially supported by the Municipality of Majšperk, it has no reliable funding. The guiding principle of the project is the sense of duty to contribute to the region, to give to Haloze added value, namely quality exhibitions of young and recognised, Slovenian and foreign artists, as Dušan Fišer told reporter Brigita Mohorič in the radio show Fine Arts Echoes at Radio Slovenia Third Channel - ARS. The Art Factory in Majšperk has emerged from the desire to raise people's awareness that art and culture have always been connected with life, and especially in the modern times, when we are critically questioning the meaning of life. Art, however, is a medium that can pass this critical insight, Fišer says. At the same time, the Art Factory does not want to profile itself in a certain genre, but to leave the art space open.


The Art Factory in Majšperk is a venue of many exceptional cultural events, such as the painting installation Slovenian Workers Today by Anka Krašna; the painting exhibitions by Matej Čepin and Rudi Skočir; the group exhibition Geomitrija featuring Dušan Fišer, Beti Bricelj and Duša Jesih; the group exhibition of Ptuj's photographers; the group exhibition Faces, presenting 19 Slovenian and foreign artists, among them, Andrej Brumen Čop, Tjaša Čuš, Riko Debenjak, Metod Frlic, Marko Jakše, Aleksij Kobal, Jure Kalan, Stojan Kerbler, Gani Llalloshi, Keiko Miyazaki, Tomaž Plavec, Zora Stančič, Jože Tisnikar, etc.

The Art Factory is one of the venues of the annual Days of Poetry and Wine Festival, organised by Beletrina Publishing Institute. It is also part of the annual Art Stays, International Festival of Contemporary Art, the largest Slovenian festival of contemporary visual art, which is held in Ptuj. Within this context Herman Pivk, Oto Rimele and Manfred Mörth from Austria also exhibited in the Art Factory gallery, and in 2018, the exhibition Crash me gently brings together the works of Slovenian artists dealing with ceramics, Tanja Boh Sokolov, Dragica Čadež Lapajne, Milojka Drobne, Meta Kastelic, Ines Kovačič, and others.

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... more about "Art Factory Majšperk"
Tovarna umetnosti, Majšperk +
46.34 +
Tovarna umetnosti, Majšperk +
15.736 +
SI-2322 Majšperk +
Breg 8 +
The Art Factory Gallery was founded in 2008 in Majšperk, a municipality in north-eastern Slovenia, located in the hilly region of Haloze. +
The Art Factory Gallery was founded in 2008 in Majšperk, a municipality in north-eastern Slovenia, located in the hilly region of Haloze. +
Majšperk +
SI-2322 +