Anton Sovre Library Hrastnik



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Knjižnica Antona Sovreta Hrastnik
Novi Log 4, SI-1430 Hrastnik
Phone386 (0) 3 564 6175

The Anton Sovre Library Hrastnik is a public library. It was originally set up by the Svoboda ("Freedom") Association at the end of the 1940s, but in 1960 it acquired a new organisational structure with the aim of educating the community and organising cultural events for adults as well as children.

In 1998 it was renamed after Anton Sovre, who was a translator of classical languages. Since 2002 the library has been an autonomous municipal cultural organisation, which has grown into not only a significant multimedia information centre but also a multi-purpose cultural venue.

In 2008 the library collection consisted of 42,928 items and had 3,786 registered readers. In that same year the library organised 246 events.

See also

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