Slavistična revija


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Slavistična revija, časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede
Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 1270

The quarterly Slavistična revija, Journal for Linguistics and Literary Sciences, was launched in 1948 and is published by the Slavic Society of Slovenia. It is the central Slovene journal for Slovene and Slavic literary studies, encompassing a wide variety of scientific articles, discussions, reports, and reviews. Slavistična revija, is fully open access journal. All articles are available on the internet to all readers immediately upon publication.

Journal contributions are published in Slovenian, exceptionally also in other Slavic languages, English, German, French, or Italian with abstracts in English or German. The journal features contributions from leading Slovene linguists and literary historians and foreign professionals specialising in Slovene and Slavonic studies. Readers are afforded a broad selection of topics: treatises on literature and linguistics, correspondences, articles on manuscripts and rare prints, biographies, etc.

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Slavistična revija, časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede +
Slavistična revija, časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Aškerčeva 2 +
The quarterly Slavistična revija, Journal for Linguistics and Literary Sciences, was launched in 1948 and is published by the Slavic Society of Slovenia. +
The quarterly Slavistična revija, Journal for Linguistics and Literary Sciences, was launched in 1948 and is published by the Slavic Society of Slovenia. +
+386 / 1 241 1270 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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