Pekinpah Association
8 Sep 2017
14 Sep 2017
Montenegro Podgorica KIC Budo Tomović, Kuslev’s House, Montenegrin Nationa Theatre
How to temper the existential revolution?, co-produced by Divja misel Institute, The Second Freedom, produced by Bunker Institute, Pekinpah Association and Kink Kong, Life®Anti, produced by Glej Theatre, Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, KD TNK and School of Arts Nova Gorica, and Chairs, produced by Mini Theatre, at the FIAT Festival of International Alternative Theatre
17 Mar 2016
19 Mar 2016
Rave by Matej Kejžar (Pekinpah Association) at the XS Festival
21 Sep 2015
22 Sep 2015
The premiere of Genesis by Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association) at Ganz Novi Festival
5 Jul 2015
10 Jul 2015
Rave by Matej Kejžar and Petra Veber (Pekinpah Association / Kink Kong) at the Festival d’Avignon
26 May 2015
Ballet of Revolt, choreographed and directed by Leja Jurišić and Petra Veber and produced by Pekinpah Association / Kink Kong, at the Festival Cosmicómico de Teatro Alternativo Internacional, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington,
28 Nov 2014
Eden, a dance performance by Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association), at SÂLMON< Festival in the framework of the European project modul-dance
29 Sep 2014
Collecting the Future?, a discussion related to the Past Future Perfect exhibition of Slovene design in the Volkskundemuseum. Speakers: Barbara Predan and Petra Černe Oven, exhibition curators (Pekinpah Association), Jure Miklavc, an exhibition designer, Matthias Beitl, Museum Director, and Herbert Justnik, Volkskundemuseum Curator, coorganised by the Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA), Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna
26 Sep 2014
15 Apr 2015
Past Future Perfect, an exhibition of Slovene design curated by Barbara Predan and Petra Černe Oven (Pekinpah Association), organised by the Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA), Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna, at the Vienna Design Week
25 Sep 2014
26 Sep 2014
The Very Boring Piece by Jasmina Križaj and Cristina Planas Leitão, co-produced by Plesna izba - Maribor Dance Room, and Ballet of Revolt by Leja Jurišić and Petra Veber, co-produced by Pekinpah – Kink Kong, at the Young European Choreographers Festival
8 Sep 2014
14 Sep 2014
Liferanti, produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, Cultural Association Teater na konfini, School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica, and Glej Theatre, The Second Freedom, produced by the Pekinpah Association and Bunker Institute, at F I A T Festival of International Alternative Theatre, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Podgorica,
17 Apr 2014
19 Apr 2014
This is not a hit, a dance performance by Matej Kejžar (Pekinpah Association), and The Second Freedom, a dance performance by Leja Jurišić & Teja Reba (Pekinpah Association, Bunker Institute), at Spider Festival Lyon
8 Mar 2014
This is not a hit, a dance performance by Matej Kejžar (Pekinpah Association), and Sofa, a durational performance by Leja Jurišić & Teja Reba (Pekinpah Association), at the Spider Night Festival
8 Jan 2014
Procedimento 2+1, a dance performance by Matej Kejžar (Pekinpah Association) & Douglas Jung, at the Mostra de Dança Verão
17 Dec 2013
20 Dec 2013
A dance workshop by Matej Kejžar (Pekinpah Association) ) after his 2-month residency at Groupo Experimental
7 Dec 2013
8 Dec 2013
Procedimento 21+1, a dance performance by Matej Kejžar (Pekinpah Association) & Douglas Jung
25 Nov 2013
27 Nov 2013
Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association) presents Eden, a dance performance, at the Danae Festival
22 Nov 2013
This is not a hit, a dance performance by Matej Kejžar in the framework of the Spider Event coorganised by the Pekinpah Association,
21 Nov 2013
Sofa, a performance by Leja Jurišić and Teja Reba (Pekinpah Association), at the Spider Event Zagreb
21 Nov 2013
24 Nov 2013
On Gesture, a lecture by Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association), at the Symposium On collectivity and collaboration in art
31 Oct 2013
1 Nov 2013
Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association) presents Eden, a dance performance, at the Culturescapes Festival
2 Oct 2013
4 Oct 2013
A workshop by Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association) as a part of Australian and Eastern European Artist Exchange
18 Sep 2013
19 Sep 2013
Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association) presents Eden, a dance performance, and Dream Lab, a mobile interdisciplinary laboratory for research and development of dream and imagery work in the context of performing arts at the Ganz Novi Festival
5 Sep 2013
8 Sep 2013
Leja Jurišić and Teja Reba (Pekinpah Association) performing in Tim Etchells's The Last Adventures
24 Aug 2013
Time & Space Remixed, a workshop by Matej Kejžar (Pekinpah Association), at the Frontier Danceland
15 Aug 2013
18 Aug 2013
Edges of Shutting Down, a dance performance by Matej Kejžar (Pekinpah Association) at the SIBU International Dance Festival
1 Aug 2013
Vehicles of Presence, a presentation of a work in progress by Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association),
20 Jul 2013
26 Jul 2013
Contemporary Technique and Time & Space Remix, workshops by Matej Kejžar (Pekinpah Association) at the Impulstanz Festival
14 Jul 2013
15 Jul 2013
Eden, a dance performance by Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association),
13 Jul 2013
Eden, a dance performance by Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association),
30 Jun 2013
Ballet of Revolt by Leja Jurišić and Petra Veber (Pekinpah Association), The Very Delicious Piece by Jasmina Križaj (Plesna izba - Maribor Dance Room) and Cristina Planas Leitão, and Green Light by Mateja Bučar (DUM Association of Artists) at the Festival Spectrum
17 May 2013
18 May 2013
Sofa, a performance by Leja Jurišić and Teja Reba (Pekinpah Association, and a presentation of the City of Women Association for Promotion of Women in Culture by Mara Vujić (City of Women Association for Promotion of Women in Culture) at the performance e x c h a n g e event
10 May 2013
11 May 2013
Eden, a dance performance by Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association) and dance workshops and lectures by members of Plesna izba - Maribor Dance Room, at symposium DER ZAURENDER KOERPER – HASITATING BODY
5 May 2013
31 Oct 2013
Life After Conceptual Art!, a video performance by Leja Jurišić, Teja Reba, and Petra Veber (Pekinpah Association), at the Online Biennale
8 Feb 2013
Dreamlab, a workshop by Mala Kline (Pekinpah Association),
19 Jan 2013
22 Jan 2013
I Love You, a video performance authored by Kristina Horvat Blažinović and performed by Leja Jurišić and Teja Reba (Pekinpah Association), as part of the project New Media Cross-Border
1 Jun 2012
2 Jun 2012
Ballet of Revolt by Leja Jurišić and Petra Veber, co-produced by Pekinpah Association, premiered at Tanzquartier Wien
25 Apr 2012
27 Apr 2012
Senser and Edge 36.5 by Matej Kejžar, co-produced by Pekinpah Association
30 Mar 2012
31 Mar 2012
At Once, international dance creation, part of Spider project produced by Pekinpah Association at the Festival Week-end Ça tremble
27 Mar 2012
At Once, international dance creation, part of Spider project produced by Pekinpah Association
3 Mar 2012
At Once, international dance creation, part of Spider project produced by Pekinpah Association
28 Oct 2011
7 Nov 2011
SPIDER Athens Festival produced by Pekinpah Association, Collectif Loge 22 and Kinitiras Dance Spectacle
28 Oct 2010
4 Nov 2010
A programme produced by Pekinpah Association, Collectif Loge 22 and Kinitiras Dance Spectacle at the SPIDER Athens Festival
Pekinpah mainly works with three internationally acclaimed choreographers – Matej Kejžar, Mala Kline and Leja Jurišić. Signing with them in 2010, Pekinpah has been producing, managing and promoting their performances in Slovenia as well as abroad ever since. In Slovenia, it often collaborates with the Bunker Institute, and mounts most of the performances of these choreographers as well as a few others at either Stara Elektrarna or the Španski borci Culture Centre.
A few of the venues or festivals abroad that have hosted Pekinpah's productions or artists are Festival Tanzhafen (Linz, AT), Festival d'Avignon (FR), Théâtre National (BE), XS 2016 Festival (BE), Shoonya Centre for Art and Somatic Practices (Bangalore, IN), SEAD (AT), Teatro Renascença (Porto Alegre, BR), SOTA Theatre (SG) and Ganz Novi Festival (Zagreb, HR). The three artists themselves are often invited for international co-productions, working with renowned individuals and groups.
Spider Festival
The first SPIDER project was initiated by Matej Kejžar, Michaël Pomero (FR) and Antigone Gyra (GR) in 2012. The project weaves a web of mobility with around 40 artists from different countries and cultures and from various artistic fields and milieus (dancers, choreographers, musicians, writers, visual artists). Under the auspices of SPIDER, Pekinpah has organised international artistic events in Athens, Zagreb, Lyon, Berlin, Brussels and Ljubljana (where SPIDER appears as an annual festival).
Design and publishing
One of the reasons for establishing the association was to promote and carry out activities regarding design theory, which was (and still is) rarely dealt with in Slovenia. With only a handful of studies on theory of design having been previously published in Slovenian language, Pekinpah's publishing endeavours in this vein have significantly altered the field.
Petra Černe Oven, PhD, and Barbara Predan, PhD, are the main force behind Pekinpah's design endeavours. They curate the publishing programme and have either edited or contributed to a number of works, often featuring renowned authors from abroad. The publications are frequently also published (at least partly) in English, with a good number of them co-published by the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO).
Highlights of the publications include Back to Design: an Anthological Survey of Design Theory in Slovenia (2007, published with Litera Publishing House); Sustainable Alternatives in Design: It's High Time We Start Losing Time (2009, featuring texts by Dieter Rams, Ezio Manzini, Jonathan Chapman, Clive Dilnot, Per Mollerup and Victor Margolin); ISKRA: Non-aligned Design 1946–1990 (2009, accompanied by the same-titled exhibition on industrial design by the Slovene company Iskra); On Information Design (2010, featuring Yuri Engelhardt, Rob Waller, Jorge Frascara, Karel van der Waarde, Malcolm Garrett and Karen Schriver).
Predan and Černe Oven were recently featured in the compendium called Information Design: Research and Practice, published in 2017 by Routledge. Pekinpah is a part of the CODEC, the Contemporary Design Collaborative, an initiative to build a network of design professionals in the CEE region.
ISKRA, Non-Aligned Design: 1946-1990 exhibition
In collaboration with MAO, Pekinpah has organised several series of lectures (about sustainable alternatives in design, visual communications theory, etc.) hosting international lecturers (for example, in 2017 Vik Burian & Jose Scalipne from Typetogether). In 2009, MAO and Pekinpah conceived an overview exhibition on the development of design at the Slovene company Iskra. The project marked the 30th anniversary of the launch of Iskra's internationally recognised telephone, the ETA 80, by the distinguished Slovene designer Davorin Savnik.
Together with the Jožef Stefan Institute, Pekinpah also organised the 5th Italian Business Forum and collaborated at the Slovenia Design Showroom Milano 2017 (curated and edited by Barbara Predan). Predan and Černe Oven are frequently invited to lecture or present workshops around the world.
Pekinpah Association is home to the renowned musical duet Silence, led by Primož Hladnik (music and arrangements) and Boris Benko (music, lyrics and vocals). Having published a number of very well-received albums, they frequently collaborate with Laibach and regularly collaborate with acclaimed theatre (Tomaž Pandur (1963–2016), Matjaž Pograjc, Aleksandar Popovski and Primož Ekart) and film (Damjan Kozole) directors.
In 2015, Laibach and Silence become the first Western alternative acts to perform in North Korea.
See also
External links
- Pekinpah Association website
- SPIDER project website
- Silence music group website
- ISKRA: Non-aligned Design 1946–1990 exhibition website
- Producers
- Publishers
- Exhibition organisers
- Event organisers
- Design
- Design publishers
- Music
- Music publishers
- Dance
- Dance producers
- Contemporary dance
- EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes)
- EU Culture funding recipient
- Architecture & Design
- Theatre & Dance
- Design exhibition and event organisers
- Design education and research
- Education and Research