Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica
8 Dec 2024
The theatre play Under the Free Sun, based on Fran Saleški Finžgar’s canonical novel, directed by Goran Vojnović. The play is produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and coproduced by Slovene National Theatre Maribor, Cankarjev dom Ljubljana, and Zavod Škrateljc.
17 Nov 2024
"The Master and Margarita" performance produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, co-organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Bucharest.
at the Interferences International Theatre Festival -
7 Sep 2024
"Realists - Realisti", a comic theatre play produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and directed by Tijana Zinajić. "Realists" tell us, through laughter, about the chaotic reality and absurdities of the time we live in in the manner of a cabaret through parody and musical commentary. at the Ljetne Noći 2024
20 Aug 2024
"Little Stars - Zvezdice", a classroom theatre play, adapted from the eponymous text by Jaka Smerkolj Simoneti, written as part of the project "Young Europe IV: Unheard Voices". Produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and European Theatre Convention. Directed by Živa Bizovičar. at the Festival Bolje, da se o tem (ne) pogovarjamo
17 Jun 2024
A performance of "Antigone - Antigona", a reworking of Sophocles' classic by Slovenian playwright Dominik Smole. Directed by Luka Marcen and produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica. at the Viminacium Fest
6 Jun 2024
7 Jun 2024
A performance by Godzilla Tribute Band, directed by GTB Collective. Produced by Moment Arts and Culture Association and SNG Nova Gorica. at the Twist it!
25 Apr 2024
26 Apr 2024
Two performances of "The Best European Play - Najboljša evropska predstava", a tragicomedy by director Haris Pašović. Production by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and coproduction by Teatr im. J. Kochanowskiego w Opolu, Fondazione Teatro Due Parma, Teatru Malta and Teatri Kombëtar i Kosovës.
2 Mar 2024
A performance of fairytale musical for all ages "Wizard of Oz", produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica.
30 May 2023
52 hertzov produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica
at the Sterijino pozorje -
16 May 2023
Kosovo Pristina Narodno gledališče Kosovo
Pet vrst tišine produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica
at the FemArt Festival -
6 May 2023
Italy Gradisca d'Isonzo/Gradišče ob Soči Dvorana Bergamas:Gradišče ob Soči, Italija
Antonton produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica
18 Mar 2023
Animal News produced by Koper Theatre and SNG Nova Gorica
13 Jan 2023
15 Jan 2023
Europides' The Trojan Women produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica
21 Jun 2021
23 Jun 2021
Hesse's August directed by Miha Nemec produced by the Studio of the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, Genet's The Maids directed by Ivan Loboda produced by Koper Theatre and Nečak's The Little Wire Girl' by Maja Hrgović and Marjan Nečak, coproduced by Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana and the Moving Music Theatre Bitola, Macedonia
at the International Festival of Chamber Theatre Golden Lion Umag -
18 Jun 2021
Simona Semenič's Rowan, strudel, dance, and then some, directed by Jure Novak, produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica
at the J-O-Ś Trinationales Theaterfestival D-PL-CZ -
21 Feb 2020
The theatre performance Who Am I, directed by Tijana Zinajić and co-produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, Glej Theatre, delleAli Teatro, Das Letzte Kleinod, Théâtre du Pélican and @The Albany, in the frame of the international project ID:Babylon,
6 Feb 2020
8 Feb 2020
The experimental performance The Axis, co-produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Theatre Mansion,
11 Jan 2020
The theatre performance Realists, directed by Tijana Zinajić and produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica,
13 Oct 2019
A "junk opera" by the Tiger Lillies Shockheaded Peter, directed by Ivana Djilas and produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica,
11 Oct 2019
The Trojan Women, directed by Jaša Koceli and produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica,
26 Sep 2019
1 Oct 2019
The experimental performance The Axis, co-produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Theatre Mansion,
9 Jul 2019
Goldoni's Le Baruffe, directed by Vito Taufer and co-produced by Koper Theatre, Istarsko narodno kazalište Pula (CR), Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste,
28 Jun 2019
30 Jun 2019
The theatre performance The Trojan Women, directed by Jaša Koceli and produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica,
at the International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama -
24 Jun 2019
27 Jun 2019
Theatre performances Stockholm, Pennsylvania, directed by Nataša Barbara Gračner and produced by Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL); Martin Sherman's Bent, directed by Alen Jelen and produced by the ŠKUC Theatre, Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre and Kolaž Institute; and For the Good of All, directed by Nenni Delmestre and co-produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Koper Theatre, at the Golden Lion International Festival of Chamber Theatre
15 Jun 2019
The theatre performance Realists, directed by Tijana Zinajić and produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, at the Fadil Hadžić Satire Days
24 May 2019
The theatre performance The Human Voice, directed by Ajda Valcl and produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, at the Trinational Theater Festival D - PL - CZ
8 Mar 2019
9 Mar 2019
The theatre performance For the Good of All, directed by Nenni Delmestre and co-produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Koper Theatre,
7 Feb 2019
24 Feb 2019
The music-theatre performance The Last Five Years, directed by Jasmin Kovic, produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and co-produced by Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste,
5 Feb 2019
8 Feb 2019
The performance Idiomatic, co-produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica within the European Theatre Convention (ETC) network,
31 Jan 2019
The performance Idiomatic, co-produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica within the European Theatre Convention (ETC) network,
26 Jan 2019
27 Jan 2019
The performance Don Juan, directed by Daniel Day Škufca and produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica
12 Dec 2018
Goldoni's Le Baruffe, directed by Vito Taufer and co-produced by Koper Theatre, Istarsko narodno kazalište Pula (CR), Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste,
8 Dec 2018
Robert Harling's Steel Magnolias, directed by Katja Pegan, produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and co-produced by Koper Theatre, at the Jurislav Korenić Festival
4 Nov 2018
10 Nov 2018
The performances Little Blue and Little Yellow, directed by Miha Golob and produced by the Maribor Puppet Theatre; Duck, Death and the Tulip, produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre; The Forest of Songs, directed by Peter Kus and produced by Federacija Institute; and Shockheaded Peter, directed by Ivana Djilas and produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, at the International Puppet Theatre Festival
23 Oct 2018
S/he, a dance performance by MN Dance Company, co-produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica,
17 Jul 2018
The performance Squabbles, directed by Vito Taufer and co-produced by Koper Theatre, Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste, at the Zadar Summer Theatre Festival
15 Jul 2018
The performance Squabbles, directed by Vito Taufer and co-produced by Koper Theatre, Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste, at the Split Summer Festival
13 Jul 2018
Squabbles, directed by Vito Taufer and produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, at the Grad Teatar Festival
3 Jul 2018
The performance Squabbles, directed by Vito Taufer and co-produced by Koper Theatre, Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste, at the Novi tvrđava teatar Theatre Festival
23 Jun 2018
27 Jun 2018
The performances Queen Mother, directed by Damir Zlatar Frey and produced by Koper Theatre and Ptuj City Theatre, Realists, directed by Tijana Zinajić and produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, and Tobelija, choreographed by Rosana Hribar and produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana, at the Zlatni lav - Leone d'Oro, International Festival of Chamber Theatre
18 Jun 2018
19 Jun 2018
The performances Squabbles, directed by Vito Taufer and co-produced by Koper Theatre, Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste; and The Middle Class Gentleman, directed by Eduard Miler and produced by the Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL),
at the Fadil Hadžić Satire Days -
7 Jun 2018
9 Jun 2018
The performance Idiomatic, co-produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica within the European Theatre Convention (ETC) network,
24 May 2018
Don Juan, produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica
16 May 2018
19 May 2018
The performance Idiomatic, co-produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica within the European Theatre Convention (ETC) network,
29 Apr 2018
30 Apr 2018
A "junk opera" by the Tiger Lillies Shockheaded Peter, directed by Ivana Djilas and produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, at the State Theaters, Sabancı International Adana Theater Festival
21 Mar 2018
The performance Passion Play, directed by Vito Taufer, produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and co-produced by the Koper Theatre,
7 Feb 2018
Robert Harling's Steel Magnolias, directed by Katja Pegan and produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica,
15 Nov 2017
18 Nov 2017
Goldoni's Le Baruffe, directed by Vito Taufer, coproduced by Koper Theatre, Istarsko narodno kazalište Pula (CR), Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste,
8 Sep 2017
14 Sep 2017
Montenegro Podgorica KIC Budo Tomović, Kuslev’s House, Montenegrin Nationa Theatre
How to temper the existential revolution?, co-produced by Divja misel Institute, The Second Freedom, produced by Bunker Institute, Pekinpah Association and Kink Kong, Life®Anti, produced by Glej Theatre, Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, KD TNK and School of Arts Nova Gorica, and Chairs, produced by Mini Theatre, at the FIAT Festival of International Alternative Theatre
14 Jul 2017
19 Jul 2017
Madame Bovary, produced by the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, A Conference of Birds, produced by Glej Theatre, and A Continental Divide by Barbara K. Anderlič, at the International Theatre Institute World Congress
- ID : Babylon, 2018
Project summary - Theatre without Borders international festival (MEJNIFEST), 2004
Project summary Show more
SNG Nova Gorica stages around 8 premières per season with guest actors often joining the permanent cast of 22 actors. The theatre's repertoire comprises contemporary and classical plays staged by established as well as younger Slovenian directors and occasionally directors from abroad. The programme features stagings of new and classical Slovenian plays, Slovenian first stagings of plays by foreign authors as well as new readings of world classics. Special emphasis is placed on Mediterranean authors (Goldoni, Ruzante, Machiavelli, Držić, etc.), and particularly on comedies, which are marked by Mediterranean temperament and often by the usage of dialect and are well-accepted by both the critics and the audience. The theatre also successfully produces communicative works that intertwine theatre performance and (vocal and instrumental) music, which has resulted in several award-winning musical experiments, such as the performance Passion Play (2015), written and composed by singer-songwriter Iztok Mlakar, also a member of the theatre's ensemble, and the musical play by the cult London group The Tiger Lillies Shockheaded Peter (2017), directed by Ivana Djilas, both winners of Gracious Comedy Awards.
The theatre also offers a strong programme of performances for children and young adults. Three of its season ticket programmes are aimed at children (Tiny Snail, Big Snail, Puppet Snail). The Gorizia Roundabout (Gorški vrtiljak) presents a number of guest children's performances of different Slovenian theatres and theatre groups. The theatre also produces amateur youth performances at the Amateur Youth Stage (AMO). Over the recent years, SNG Nova Gorica has been a co-producer of dance performances by MN Dance Company.
SNG Nova Gorica often presents site-specifics versions of individual productions, especially at the Primorska Summer Festival. Its productions appear at different festivals, such as the Maribor Theatre Festival or the Slovene Festival of Chamber Theatre (SKUP), collecting several awards, including the Borštnik Grand Prix in 1999 and 2005. The theatre has also received awards at the Week of Slovenian Drama and the Days of Comedy festivals.
Since 2011, the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, the Koper Theatre, and the Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste present the Tantadruj Awards, honouring excellence in artistic achievements in the coastal region.
Networking and international cooperation
The theatre often realises its programme through co-productions with fellow theatres from the region, especially with the Koper Theatre and the Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste, but often also with the Prešeren Theatre Kranj, as well as with international co-producers from the wider region. It also organises guest performances by Slovenian and foreign theatres, music, ballet and dance groups.
Almost half of SNG Nova Gorica productions are presented on tour in Slovenia or abroad and are often shown at theatre festivals across the world (Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Macedonia), also collecting several awards.
SNG Nova Gorica was one of the initiators of the New European Theatre Action (NETA)(2005–2016). It joined the European Theatre Convention (ETC) in 2001.
See also
Slovene National Theatres
- Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana
- Slovene National Theatre Maribor
- Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana
- Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste
External links
- Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica website (in Slovenian)
- European Theatre Convention (ETC) (in English)
- Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica architecture - the history of the building from the "Theatre Architecture in Central Europe" web database