Moment Arts and Culture Association



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Kulturno-umetniško društvo Moment
Glavni trg 22, SI-2000 Maribor
Past events

The Moment Arts and Culture Association, usually addressed as KUD Moment, was established in 2006 as a not-for-profit organisation that engages in various genres of performing arts, from research-based theatre to puppetry and dance.


When the GT22 collaborative cultural centre was set up in 2012 in the Maribor city centre, at Glavni trg 22, KUD Moment found its domicile right there. An ex-nightclub was transformed into the Intimate Stage, a theatre space for around 50 spectators. The newly established programme has focused on research-based theatre productions, visiting performances and educational programmes, bringing together artists and audiences.


KUD Moment productions are realised through different production models and formats, through research, experimentation, learning, and (self-)critique. The association regularly enters into co-productions with GT22 as well as with other Slovene arts institutions, such as En-Knap Productions, Mini Theatre, Dance Theatre Ljubljana or Maribor Puppet Theatre. KUD Moment produces the Hero cycle of performances by Uroš Kaurin and Vito Weiss; their Hero 2.0 The Show of All Shows, co-produced by En-Knap Productions, won the Borštnik Award for acting at the 2018 Maribor Theatre Festival. The association also produces devised theatre pieces by Zoran Petrovič which bring together (drama) theatre, puppets, objects and video technology.

After a seven-year hiatus, since 2019, KUD Moment again organises the festival of independent theatre production Prestopi/Crossings, which was first conceived in 2010.

KUD Moment is one of the partners of the First Scene arts educational programme, run by the Slovene National Theatre Maribor, and participates in the project ŠtudenTeater (StudenTheatre), aimed at encouraging and facilitating artistic production amongst students who are not studying acting at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT). Its partners in the latter programme are Glej Theatre, the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, GT22 and the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia.

See also

External links

Kulturno-umetniško društvo Moment +
Kulturno-umetniško društvo Moment +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Glavni trg 22 +
The Moment Arts and Culture Association, usually addressed as KUD Moment, was established in 2006 as a not-for-profit organisation that engages in various genres of performing arts, from research-based theatre to puppetry and dance. +
The Moment Arts and Culture Association, usually addressed as KUD Moment, was established in 2006 as a not-for-profit organisation that engages in various genres of performing arts, from research-based theatre to puppetry and dance. +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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