Intimate Stage, GT22



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In 2012, the Moment Arts and Culture Association (KUD Moment) found its domicile at the GT22 collaborative cultural centre in the Maribor city centre, at Glavni trg 22. Its founders transformed an ex-nightclub into the Intimate Stage, a theatre space for around 50 spectators.

The programme at Intimate Stage aims to bring together artists and audiences. It focuses on research-based theatre productions by KUD Moment and regularly hosts visiting performances. A regular film programme features art films, documentaries and short films. Art events are usually complemented by lectures and discussions on contemporary performing arts, new media and film. KUD Moment also runs different educational programmes.

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... more about "Intimate Stage, GT22"
Intimni oder, GT22 +
46.557 +
Intimni oder, GT22 +
15.647 +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Glavni trg 22 +
In 2012, the Moment Arts and Culture Association (KUD Moment) found its domicile at the GT22 collaborative cultural centre in the Maribor city centre, at Glavni trg 22. +
In 2012, the Moment Arts and Culture Association (KUD Moment) found its domicile at the GT22 collaborative cultural centre in the Maribor city centre, at Glavni trg 22. +
Gledališče intimnega značaja, ki nudi prostor do 50 gledalcem. Bivši nočni klub. +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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