Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT)



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Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo (AGRFT)
Nazorjeva 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 251 0412
Past events

Originally founded in the first post-war months of 1945 as the Academy of Dramatic Arts for the education of actors, directors and playwrights, in 1963 this institution was renamed as the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT) and in 1975 it later became a Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. Today the Academy consists of four departments: the Department of Theatre and Radio, the Department of Film and Television, the Department of Dramaturgy and Performing Arts and the Centre for Theatre and Film Studies.


AGRFT offers undergraduate studies in theatre and radio directing, acting, speech training, set design, costume design, dance and movement, stage singing, film directing, television directing, film history, film theory, theory, aesthetics and the history of drama, theatre and audio-visual media in general. During the Academy’s lifetime it has granted more than 400 diplomas to actors, directors and playwrights. The Academy is planning in future to expand its Theatre and Radio Department with a Puppet Theatre programme and its Film and Television Department with programmes on Cinematography, Editing, Sound, Production and Screenwriting.

AGRFT also incorporates the Centre for Theatre and Film Studies which is conceptualised as an information and documentation centre that includes comprehensive libraries of books and other visual materials. It also conducts research projects in the fields of performing arts and audio-visual media.

Each year a total of 20 students of all disciplines enrol at the Academy. The number is limited, mainly due to lack of space and other resources. AGRFT offers a combination of intensive practical skills and theoretical studies in a variety of fields, ranging from philosophy to phonetics. Gradually the Academy has developed the production of short films and radio and television programmes. AGRFT students regularly participate in theatre and film festivals in Slovenia and also abroad, where they have gained enviable successes as well as a high profile for their craft. Each semester the Academy organises several productions in which students present their work. Diploma performances are open to a wide arts audience, and Academy films are broadcast on national television.

Public projects

Since 1995 the Academy bestows the annual Grossmann Award for the best short film script or short TV film screenplay following a competition which is open to students of all Slovene universities. In 2008 AGRFT began publishing Amfiteater Journal of Performing Arts Theory in collaboration with the Association of Theatre Critics and Researchers of Slovenia.

International cooperation

AGRFT is a member of several professional associations: the International Association of Film and Television Schools (CILECT), the International Federation for Theatre Research (FIRT/IFTR), the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) and the European Grouping of Film and Television (GEECT). Since 2000 the Academy has been participating in international student and professor exchange programmes such as Erasmus+, CEEPUS and LLP.

The Academy also has established links with other institutions from the area of the former Yugoslavia.

See also

External links

Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo (AGRFT) +
Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo (AGRFT) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
1,963 +  and 1,975 +
Nazorjeva 3 +
Originally founded in the first post-war mOriginally founded in the first post-war months of 1945 as the Academy of Dramatic Arts for the education of actors, directors and playwrights, in 1963 this institution was renamed as the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT) and in 1975 it later became a Faculty of the University of Ljubljana.University of Ljubljana. +
Originally founded in the first post-war mOriginally founded in the first post-war months of 1945 as the Academy of Dramatic Arts for the education of actors, directors and playwrights, in 1963 this institution was renamed as the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT) and in 1975 it later became a Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. a Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. +
+386 / 1 251 0412 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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