Theatre performance Livingston's Last Kiss (Zadnji Livingstonov poljub) at Anton Podbevšek Theatre in Novo mesto
Theatre performance Livingston's Last Kiss (Zadnji Livingstonov poljub) at Anton Podbevšek Theatre in Novo mesto
Established in May 2005, Anton Podbevšek Theatre (APT) is the youngest Slovenian professional theatre house and the first professional theatre in the history of Novo mesto, a town in the south-eastern region of Slovenia. The theatre is named after Anton Podbevšek, the first Slovenian avant-garde poet and the "frontman" of the artistic movement that gave rise to the first Slovenian artistic avant-garde called the Novo mesto spring, suggesting APT's orientation toward research, risk-taking, reflection and new modes of presentation.
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Theatre performance Livingston's Last Kiss (Zadnji Livingstonov poljub) at Anton Podbevšek Theatre in Novo mesto