Muzeum Institute
4 Oct 2021
The Slumberland, a dance performance for children and adults directed by Barbara Novakovič and produced by Muzeum Institute, at the Kliker Festival
28 May 2021
The Slumberland, a dance performance for children and adults directed by Barbara Novakovič and produced by Muzeum Institute,
at the Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts for Children - Plesni zbirkus -
6 Jun 2019
16 Jun 2019
Selected opus of 7 stage set and costume designers/art collectives (Angelina Atlagić, Uroš Belantič, Mateja Bučar & Vadim Fiškin, IRWIN, Leo Kulaš and NUMEN) presented within the installation Warped Space curated by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc (Muzeum Institute)
at the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (PQ) -
21 Nov 2017
22 Nov 2017
Show me Heaven, a performance by Maja Kalafatić, Dimitrije Kokanov and Venelin Shurelov, produced by Muzeum Institute,
29 Oct 2015
Library of Letters: Walk, a monodrama directed by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc, Muzeum Institute, at the Magic of the Language festival organised by EUNIC Austria, supported by the Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA),
21 Oct 2015
A participative action One hundred forty-four project by the residents Barbara Novakovič Kolenc (Muzeum Institute) and Vlatka Ljubanović (DANS Arhitekti) in collaboration with the pupils of the Primary school Iben Haldun, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tel Aviv,
14 Sep 2015
Ivo Svetina’s ABC oder Krieg, produced by the Muzeum Institute and co-produced by the Prešeren Theatre Kranj and Cankarjev dom opens the Vukov sabor 2015
22 Jun 2015
Ivo Svetina’s ABC oder Krieg, produced by the Muzeum Institute and co-produced by the Prešeren Theatre Kranj and Cankarjev dom at the Festival Grada Teatar
18 Jun 2015
28 Jun 2015
Meta Grgurevič, JAŠA as set designers and Ana Savić Gecan, costume designer, selected by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc, and students of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana and Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT) presented at the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (PG). Produced by Slovenian Theatre Institute and Muzeum Institute, in cooperation with Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana and Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Prague
31 Jan 2015
Ivo Svetina’s ABC oder Krieg, produced by the Muzeum Institute and co-produced by the Prešeren Theatre Kranj and Cankarjev dom, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade,
26 Nov 2014
Museum of Letters, Muzeum Institute production, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Tel Aviv,
2 Apr 2014
4 Apr 2014
Barbara Novakovič Kolenc's lecture Pendulum Movements and the Dynamics of Spaces in the Arts', at the SharedSpace: Spatial Curation Symposium, Prague Quadrienal of Performance Design and Space, National Theatre Museum of Slovenia and Muzeum Institute
14 Mar 2014
OFF–BEAT LIVE by Milan Tomášik, Cuore Barocco, produced by Muzeum Institute, Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) and Philéas Production (Brussels)
19 Sep 2013
Off Beat by Milan Tomášik, produced by Philéas Production (Brussels), Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) and Muzeum Institute at the Off Europa: Perform Slovakia
6 Jun 2013
Off Beat by Milan Tomášik, produced by Philéas Production (Brussels), Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) and Muzeum Institute
5 Jun 2013
Off Beat by Milan Tomášik, produced by Philéas Production (Brussels), Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) and Muzeum Institute
26 Jan 2013
Off Beat by Milan Tomášik, produced by Muzeum Institute, Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) and Philéas Production (Brussels) at Danceproject Festival
12 Sep 2012
SHIFT THEATRE II. Source Image. Library of Letters: Walk by Barbara Novakovič, produced by Muzeum Institute, co-produced by B-51 Cultural Society at the Risto Shishkov Festival of Chamber Theatre
22 Jul 2012
SAD SAM /ALMOST 6/ by Matija Ferlin, produced by Emanat Institute and Off-beat by Milan Tomašik, produced by the Muzeum Institute and co-produced by Dance Theatre Ljubljana and B-51 Cultural Society at the Festival of Dance and Non-verbal Theatre
22 Apr 2012
Off Beat by Milan Tomášik, produced by Muzeum Institute, Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) and Philéas Production (Brussels),
25 Oct 2011
26 Oct 2011
Off Beat by Milan Tomášik, produced by Muzeum Institute, Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) and Philéas Production (Brussels),
13 Oct 2011
Off Beat by Milan Tomášik, produced by Muzeum Institute, Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) and Philéas Production (Brussels) at the 4 Days 4 You Festival
10 Oct 2011
Dance performance Off Beat by Milan Tomášik, produced by Muzeum Institute, Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) and Philéas Production (Brussels) at the Hybaj Ho! Festival
27 Sep 2011
28 Sep 2011
Dance performance Off Beat by Milan Tomášik, produced by Muzeum Institute, Ljubljana Dance Theatre (PTL) and Philéas Production (Brussels)
17 Sep 2011
Julie by Sanja Nešković Peršin, produced by Muzeum Institute at the White Night Festival
28 Jun 2011
30 Jun 2011
Focus on Art and Science in the Performing Arts project presented, with Slovene participation of the Muzeum Institute at the Eurokaz Festival
6 May 2011
7 May 2011
Room with no Echo performance by Miha Erman produced by Muzeum Institute presented at the Fabbrica Europa Festival
18 Dec 2010
Julija by Sanja Nešković Peršin and produced by Muzeum Institute
Theatre production
Between 1993 and 2000 Barbara Novakovič Kolenc conceived and directed five stage performances: Cricket in the Fist [Čriček v pesti], Lo Scrittore, Emilia [Emilija], The Girl and the Double Bass [Deklica in kontrabas], and Paracelsus & Frankenstein, each of them exploring individual fields of art, namely fine art, architecture, dance, music, and movement. The subsequent synthesis performance All Together Now [Vse najboljše] was staged at the Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana, featuring a cast of actors from an old people's home, and was presented at the Manifesta 3 in Ljubljana (2000). Barbara Novakovič Kolenc directed Racine's Berenice in the framework of the Slovene National Theatre Drama Ljubljana repertory in 2000.
Cricket in the Fist by Muzeum Theatre, staged at the VIBA Studio, St. Joseph's Church, 1994. "The image simbolizes theatrical and art historical iconography as a time machine travelling back into middle age, to the gesture of the written word." Performing: Barbara Novakovič and Ivan Peternelj
In the period 2000–2004 Muzeum produced a series of performances under the title Project 1–5, which investigated theatre language through the input of architects, dancers, theatre theoreticians, light designers or art historians, who were involved in stage direction for the first time (Matej Filipčič, Rok Oman, Primož Jesenko, Majda Gregorič Trost, Lela B. Njatin, Rok Vevar).
Barabara Novakovič Kolenc's 2006 performances Molière and the Rodin II received excellent reviews; especially Rodin II installation with performance in collaboration with the Sonček - Cerebral Palsy Association of Slovenia was presented yearslong at several festivals and venues in Slovenia and abroad. In 2007–2009 the Winter's Uncle trilogy was conceived: A Winter's Tale [Zimska pravljica], based on the play by Shakespeare, which was staged at Križanke, while in 2008 Uncle Vanya and the 12 bouquets [Striček Vanja in 12 šopkov] based on Chekhov.
Lea Menard in Uncle Vanya and the 12 bouquets directed by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc. Produced by Muzeum Institute and staged at the Stara Elektrarna - Old Power Station and Casemate at Ljubljana Castle in 2008
The performance The Repository WUST (Winter's Uncle and Summer Tale) [FUNDUS ZS PP (Zimski striček in Poletna pravljica)], created by B. Novakovič Kolenc and Sanja Nešković Peršin (2009) featured artefacts from the City Museum of Ljubljana and selected contemporary visual art as a set (Zora Stančič, Polona Maher, Damijan Kracina, Katarina Toman Kracina, Nataša Skušek, Mladen Stropnik, Sašo Vrabič, Matic Sonnenwald and Živa Žitnik). In performance tourings, artefacts were site specific – in 2010 the performance was presented at KiBela Art Space in Maribor and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina in Novi Sad.
The Repository WU ST produced by Muzeum Institute, Jakopič Gallery, 2009. A dance-theatre performance with the City Museum of Ljubljana artefacts and works by contemporary authors (e.g. Polona Maher in the centre of the picture)
In 2008 Barbara Novakovič Kolenc put on stage (for the first time in Slovenia) Daniil Harms's play Elisabeth Bam [Jelizaveta Bam]. The performance was staged at Stara Elektrarna - Old Power Station where in 2010 also a dance-theatre performance Julie (after A. Strindberg) was put on stage by Sanja Nešković Peršin (with a set design by son:DA, hosted also by BITEF Theatre in Belgrade, Serbia. 33 Turns, the next performance conceived by Sanja Nešković Peršin, was staged in Španski borci Culture Centre in 2011. Milan Tomašik's performance Off-Beat, co-produced by Muzeum, Phileas Productions, Brussels, and Dance Theatre Ljubljana, toured internationally.
Daniil Harms' Jelizaveta Bam, directed and performed by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc. Produced by Muzeum Institute, Stara Elektrarna - Old Power Station, 2008
Since 2010 Muzeum has been developing the ŠIFT TEATER I and the ŠIFT TEATER II platforms.
The relation between the abstraction in theatre and visual arts has been exlored in the second part of the Source Image Trilogy, The Museum of Letters, 2013 Cankarjev dom, feature the selected letters written by painters of the 18th and 19th Century.
The third part of the trilogy ŠIFT TEATER II, The Theatre of Letters, was based on the text by Pablo Picasso Desire Caught by the Tail, and staged at the Jakopič Gallery in 2014.
Pablo Picasso's Desire Caught by the Tail directed by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc, as the last part of her Source Image trilogy produced by Muzeum Institute, staged at the Jakopič Gallery, 2014. From left to right: Ivan Peternelj, Mateja Rebolj, Sanja Nešković Peršin
The premiere of the ABC oder Krieg, quasi una fantasia, directed by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc, took place in 2015. It was co-produced by Prešeren Theatre Kranj, Cankarjev dom and Opera & Theatre Madlenianum, Belgrade, and it toured to Belgrade, Montenegro and Vršac. A new drama text which was written by Ivo Svetina is set in Vienna in the 1830s when Jernej Kopitar, France Prešeren and Matija Čop were involved in the battle known as the Alphabet War, in the presence of Vuk Karadžić and his daughter Mina.
Ivo Svetina's play ABC oder KRIEG, quasi una fantasia directed by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc, set in the 1830s in Vienna, a meeting place of literary personalities France Prešeren, Matija Čop, Jernej Kopitar, Vuk Karadžić. Production: Muzeum Institute, Prešeren Theatre Kranj, Cankarjev dom, and Opera & Theatre Madlenianum, Belgrade, 2015. From left to right: Vesna Pernarčič, Borut Veselko, Peter Musevski, Ivan Bakjarev, Jure Ivanušič, Aleksandra Balmazović
Ivo Svetina's The Birth of Venus premiered in November 2018 at the Kosovel Culture House Sežana, and in January 2019 at the Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture.
In the period 2016-2019 the Muzeum new dance and drama productions take place: the Spinoza Project and the Dynamics of Space Trilogy. The latest MUZEUM project is Venus I/II.
In the years 2019-2021 the Sleep project evolves, including the Forms, Landscapes, Creatures solo performance (2019) and The Slumberland (2020), a dance performance for children and adults inspired by cartoon Little Nemo in Slumberland by Winsor McCay.
Visual arts projects
Some Muzeum performances have been staged in gallery spaces. For example, the 2004 production Rodin (directed by Boris Mihalj) at the Museum of Modern Art and the 2010 production The Repository WUST, and the 2014 Desire Caught by the Tail directed by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc at the Jakopič Gallery. The Source Image - The Library of Letters (Shift Theatre II) project was premiered in the warehouses at Vilharjeva Street, Ljubljana, in November 2012.
The Muzeum Institute also actively engages in visual arts projects. In 2002–2003 it presented the auteur fine art projects Talking House - Theory Open I, II, III: The Shirt of Saint Francis at the Museum of Modern Art, Saint Lazarus at the City Art Gallery Ljubljana and Saint Teresa at Kapelica Gallery, all conceived by Barabara Novakovič Kolenc.
In December 2014 a documentary exhibition Time Folding – Muzeum Theatre – 20 Years was set up at the Jakopič Gallery in Ljubljana.
Time Folding - Muzeum Theatre - 20 Years, an exhibition curated by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc, opened extensive document and source archives of the Muzeum Institute. Jakopič Gallery, 2015
The Architecture of Dreams installations (2020) and the dance performance "Time of Tenderness" (2021) marked the 25 years of Muzeum Theatre.
International visual and performing arts projects
Muzeum Theatre productions have been presented in Austria, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Mongolia, Croatia, Albania, Armenia, Serbia, Italy, Macedonia, Israel and Montenegro. The Museum Institute is a member of the Informal European Theatre Meeting (IETM).
Muzeum has also produced various international visual arts projects, notably Map to Paradise from Ljubljana (2000), a site-specific installation at Ljubljana Castle by Peter Greenaway, and the accompanying Peter Greenaway film retrospective.
In June 2005 the Ljubljana events within the international project The Gesture in the Cultural Heritage of Europe took place, while in Autumn 2005 the Muzeum Institute participated in the international co-curatorial and multidisciplinary project Continental Breakfast [Kontinetalni zajtrk]. The Ljubljana component of the project was entitled Memory (W)hole and comprised an international symposium, a site-specific exhibition, and art performances at Ljubljana Castle. New variants of the Memory (W)hole exhibition were subsequently presented at the Skopje Museum of Modern Art in Macedonia and at the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Come, my beloved and dine with me, installation by Alevtina Kakhidze at the Continental Breakfast in Ljubljana - Memory (W)hole exhibition, 2005
In 2007 an international exhibition entitled Paperwork was presented at the City Museum of Ljubljana.
In the period 2010–2011 the Muzeum Institute was one of co-organisers of the EU Culture supported project Focus on Art and Science in the Performing Arts: European contemporary production. In April and November 2010 the residencies and presentations of international authors were organised in Ljubljana, while Miha Erman, author of a selected Slovene production for the project Focus, participated in a residency in Italy and presented his work at Fabbrica Europa Festival in Florence, Italy. In May 2011 Muta Imago and Masque Teatro presented their recent production to Ljubljana audience within Muzeum's ŠIFT TEATER II platform.
Besides theatre and visual arts projects the Muzeum Institute has initiated and been involved in a number of international cultural policy projects (e.g. Mobile Theatre Network and MTN Loops, 1999–2001).
In 2015 and 2019 Barbara Novakovič Kolenc curated the Slovene section for the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (PQ). More details see at Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space chapter.
Slovene contribution at the the 13th Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space (PQ curated by Barbara Novakovič Kolenc in June 2015. A flyer cover image.
A part of the Warped Space installation representing Slovenia at the Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2019: a book triptych with projected images of selected set and costume designs by Angelina Atlagić, Uroš Belantič, Mateja Bučar & Vadim Fiškin, Leo Kulaš and NUMEN. Curated by Barbara Novakovič and produced by Muzeum Institute.
Together with 20 partners comprising leading national performing arts institutions, universities and research institutes from 13 European countries, Muzeum Institute is a member of the ECLAP consortium. ECLAP is co-funded by the European Union ICT Policy Support Programme as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, Theme CIP-ICT-PSP.2009.2.2.
ECLAP aims to create a considerable, and hitherto missing, online archive for all the performing arts in Europe and to provide solutions and tools to help performing arts institutions to enter the digital Europe by building a network of important European performing arts institutions and archives and publishing content collections on Europeana. Through ECLAP portal users will not only be able to see the work of Dario Fo, Odin Teatr, and Jerzy Grotowski online, but be also able to enrich, contextualise, annotate and aggregate that content; and even distribute and access all content via different devices such as PCs, tablets and smartphones. ECLAP also intends to provide an important digital tool through the usage and exploitation of e-learning facilities.
ECLAP also organises workshops and conferences, to actively foster networking and strengthen links among the performing arts institutions throughout Europe and at an international level. ECLAP is also developing best practice guidelines which can be a model for future projects funded through the European Commission. All interested institutions and stakeholders are invited to register, to use and to be an active part of the ECLAP programme and collaboration framework.
Muzeum publishing
Since 2000 Muzeum has published the Muzeum Newsletter. Other publications have included Mobile Theatre Network Calendar 1999, Mobile Theatre Network – Strategies for Establishing Distribution Networks for Independent Performing Arts in Central and Eastern Europe (a symposium in 1999), Peter Greenaway's Book (a book of theoretical texts by Slovene authors on the work of Peter Greenaway), Peter Greenaway: Map to Paradise from Ljubljana (a book of the event documentation) and the Memory (W)hole - Continental Breakfast Ljubljana and Paperwork exhibition catalogues.
External links
- Muzeum Institute website
- Time Folding - Muzeum Theatre - 20 Years exhibition 2015
- Architecture of Dreams - Muzeum - 25 years
- Continental Breakfast event context
- ECLAP gallery featuring Slovene authors on Europeana
- Barbara Novakovič Kolenc on Europeana
- On Barbara Novakovič Kolenc on (in Slovenian)