Ljubljana International Orchestra (LIO)

From Culture.si

LIO - Mednarodni orkester Ljubljana
Slovenska cesta 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 599 51 504
Past events

As a successor of a Maribor International Orchestra 2012, the Ljubljana International Orchestra (LIO) has become a part of the Branimir Slokar Academy programme in 2012. The musicians are selected in auditions and come from approximately 35 different countries. The orchestra’s repertoire consists of symphonic works of the Viennese Classical and Romantic periods as well as 20th century music. The orchestra has performed in Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, United Kingdom and Spain.


In 2010 the Delavnica Institute of Art and Culture Maribor based in Maribor, which was in 2012 the European Capital of Culture established the Maribor International Orchestra 2012. An orchestra of outstanding young musicians has evolved through the summer academy and master classes where the participants played in a symphonic orchestra and work with the best conductors from countries other than their own. In 2010 already Maribor hosted 122 musicians from 21 countries.

The MIO2012 project has been developed with international partners from the United Kingdom (MacLaurin Media Ltd and St John’s Smith Square), the Czech Republic (Narodni Divadlo Brno), Serbia (Balkan Urban Movement), Macedonia (Interkultura), Austria (KSŠŠG) and Slovenia (Glasbena matica Ljubljana and Ljubljana Festival), with the support of musicians Branimir Slokar (trombone), Latica Honda-Rosenberg (violin), Reinhold Friedrich (trumpet), Wolfram Christ (viola), and Klaus Arp (conducting).

Professional profile

The conductors Klaus Arp (Germany) and Živa Ploj Peršuh (Slovenia) have contributed most to the development of the orchestra. The concertmasters of the orchestra are Gregory Ahss (concertmaster of Camerata Salzburg and Luzern Festival Orchestra), Janez Podlesek (concertmaster of Slovene Philharmonic) and Yuri Kalnits (soloist).

Important collaborators of the LIO are soloists Wolfram Christ (violin), Branimir Slokar (trombone), Reinhold Friedrich (trumpet), Konstantin Pfiz (cello) an the violinists Gregory Ahss and Gilad Karni. Other permanent collaborators are Knut-Erik Sundquist (double bass), Jože Kotar (clarinet), Igor Ahss (bassoon), Zora Slokar (french horn), Mihael Šuler (trombone) and Raymond Curfs (timpani).

See also

External links

LIO - Mednarodni orkester Ljubljana +
LIO - Mednarodni orkester Ljubljana +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Slovenska cesta 19 +
As a successor of a Maribor International Orchestra 2012, the Ljubljana International Orchestra (LIO) has become a part of the Branimir Slokar Academy programme in 2012. +
As a successor of a Maribor International Orchestra 2012, the Ljubljana International Orchestra (LIO) has become a part of the Branimir Slokar Academy programme in 2012. +
+386 / 599 51 504 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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