Culture Association BSA

(Redirected from Branimir Slokar Academy)


The Culture Association BSA (formerly Association Delavnica) was founded in 2006 and is a complex intergenerational educational centre for classical music located in Ljubljana. The main programme strain of the The Culture Association BSA is Branimir Slokar Academy (now called BSA Academy)

Among various educational acitvities the Culture Association BSA is also maintaining four orchestras and the Festine concert cycle which is based on the concept of intergenerational connection of musicians.


The Culture Association BSA (formerly Association Delavnica) was established in 2006 in order to contribute to the development of creativity and education in field of classical music in Slovenia, promoting the creation and performance, mediation and protection of musical and artistic values.

It has developed from the project Connecting through music which was conceived and produced for the Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012 with several international partners. Since 2009 the BSA have hosted around 700 musicians from 47 countries.

BSA Academy

The main programme strain of the The Culture Association BSA is the Branimir Slokar Academy (now BSA Academy). It is an educational programme founded in 2009 with the aim of providing young musicians from all over the world with intensive education in the form of master classes organised for 15 classical instruments (including violin concertmaster and piano accompaniment) and also conducting masterclasses. Young participants and their mentors present the results of their work at numerous chamber and symphonic concerts, often in collaboration with the Ljubljana Festival.


Since 2012 the Ljubljana International Orchestra (LIO) plays a significant part of the Branimir Slokar Academy programme as well as three other orchestras: Musidora Ladies’ Chamber Orchestra, Festine Chamber Orchestra and Slovene National Youth Orchestra.

Together they so far performed over 50 symphonic concerts, 90 chamber concerts, 50 master classes and several guest performances. Every year the Ljubljana International Orchestra (since 2009) operates with an average of 85 members from all over the world. It has so far performed in Croatia, Serbia, Austria, Spain, Great Britain, Italy and since 2009 it has been performing continuously in Slovenia.

Their activities have been attended by more than 40 top world renowned visiting artists who, as mentors, have been training more than 300 of our participants – young artists from at least 40 countries.

Concert series

The Festine Concert Cycle was created based on the concept of intergenerational connection of musicians and at the time it offered cycles of thematically rounded-up concerts, performed by local and foreign professional artists with the participation of their younger colleagues.

The programmes included rarely performed works of Slovene and foreign music literature. Another feature of the Festine cycle was the exploration of other forms of art, such as poetry, prose, and theatre that reveal different aspects of music and are unobtrusively integrated in the onstage performance.

International projects

In 2010 the BSA Association founded also the Delavnica Institute of Art and Culture Maribor to carry out international educational projects in the field of classical music, the Maribor International Orchestra 2012. The project got support of the EU Culture programme.

Four master classes in 2010 were held by Branimir Slokar (trombone), Latica Honda-Rosenberg (violin), Wolfram Christ (viola), and Klaus Arp (conducting). At the summer academy musicians studied two large-scale symphonic programmes under the principal conductor Klaus Arp, conductor Živa Ploj Peršuh, and tutors – the soloists of the Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra and RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra. At the opening MIO2012 concert Stravinsky's A Soldier's Tale was performed in the Union Hall and directed by Diego de Brea.

The orchestra also toured in Belgrade (Serbia), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Forli and Pesaro (Italy). An important feature of the project is the documentation and further dissemination of the orchestra's achievements, thus most of the concerts were recorded by Radio Slovenia, Festival Ljubljana Public Institute, or Radio-Television Serbia.

The MIO2012 project was run in collaboration with the international partners that assisted with the auditions for the Academy (in 2010 these were Interkultura in Macedonia and Balkan Youth Union in Serbia). Slovene partners were Ljubljana Musical Youth and the University of Ljubljana. In 2011 the project was lead by Glasbena matica Ljubljana.

European Career Center

They also run a platform and an educational programme called The European Career Center for Artists Triple Bridge which supports young artist in their career beginnings and provides them with links and cooperations with various international partners and organisations.

See also

External links

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Kulturno društvo BSA +
Kulturno društvo BSA +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gosposvetska cesta 5 +
The Culture Association BSA (formerly Association Delavnica) was founded in 2006 and is a complex intergenerational educational centre for classical music located in Ljubljana. +
The Culture Association BSA (formerly Association Delavnica) was founded in 2006 and is a complex intergenerational educational centre for classical music located in Ljubljana. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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