Glasbena matica Ljubljana
8 Dec 2024
The choir of Glasbena matica Ljubljana cultural society presents the opus by Jacobus Gallus and some other Slovenian composers, conducted by Sebastjan Vrhovnik. The concert is organised under the auspices and with financial support of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Rome. at the Ubi caritas et amor, Festival of Sacral Music
9 Mar 2024
10 Mar 2024
Two performances of "As It Is in Heaven - Kakor v nebesih", a stage adaptation of the Oscar-nominated film. Directed by Samo M. Strelec and coproduced by Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste, Ptuj City Theatre, and Glasbena matica Ljubljana.
27 Dec 2023
"As It Is In Heaven - Kakor v nebesih", a Slovenian theatre adaptation of the Swedish film. A coproduction of Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste, Ptuj City Theatre and Glasbena matica Ljubljana.
30 Jul 2016
How to Become a Slovene in 50 Minutes, produced by the Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste and co-produced by Glasbena matica Ljubljana and the Cultural Association Raz/seljeni,
16 Jul 2016
How to Become a Slovene in 50 Minutes, produced by the Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste and co-produced by Glasbena matica Ljubljana and the Cultural Association Raz/seljeni,
19 Nov 2015
11 Dec 2015
Italy Aurisina/Nabrežina, Bagnoli della Rosandra/Boljunec, Gorizia/Gorica, Muggia/Milje, Santa Croce/Križ, Trieste/Trst Društvena dvorana Boljunec, Dvorana Roma, Gorizia Cultural Centre, Kulturni dom A. Sirka, Kulturni dom Igo Gruden, Kulturni dom Prosek – Kontovel, Ljudski dom G. Canciani
How to Become a Slovene in 50 Minutes, co-produced by the Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste and Glasbena matica Ljubljana,
29 May 2013
1 Jun 2013
SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre presenting Discography Unit, RTV Slovenia (ZKP RTV SLO), Editions by the Society of Slovene Composers, Academy Branimir Slokar, Glasbena matica Ljubljana, and Intek d.o.o. at the Classical:NEXT
The cultural society Glasbena matica Ljubljana was established with the objective to enrich the Slovene musical scene. Already in the first year after its foundation, it began with the publication of a variety of compositions by Slovene composers. Within its framework were also archives, an art section for the publication of sheet music, a concert agency, a bookshop, an orchestral society, a music school, and a choir.
Publishing soon became one of its regular and most important activities, in particular, the publication of choir sheet music, CDs of Slovene authors, as well as books which due to their specificity would be less attractive for other publishing houses.
In 1998, Glasbena matica in the process of denationalisation again became the owner of two houses in the centre of Ljubljana. Both premises were renovated in 2010 and now also house the headquarters of Glasbena matica.
In 2002, at the occasion of its 130th anniversary, the society designated four primary fields of action for its future development: the establishment of vocal ensembles, the organisation of concerts, music education, and music publishing.
Workshops and musical education
In 2006 the society established a choir school headed by Urša Lah. The school now also offers a course in music theory.
The society also organises various educational events, such as master classes and seminars for choir leaders, choir singers and music teachers. Workshops are given by choir conductors, such as Steffan Schreyer, chief conductor of the Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra, and Ragnar Rasmussen, a well-known Norwegian conductor.
Glasbena matica also leads the Maribor International Orchestra 2012 project, funded by the Culture 2007–2013 programme of the European Commission.
Concert activities
Every year the Glasbena matica Ljubljana organises up to 20 concerts and a few musical events, including discussions with well-known Slovene musicians and music experts. The yearly concert cycle includes choral and chamber music concerts, as well as solo recitals.
Between 2014 and 2020, five operas for children were staged. In 2016 children's choir of Glasbena matica performed children's opera Brundibar by Hans Krasa on the stage of Linhart Hall in Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre. In 2018 for the first time in the history of Glasbena matica, the Youth Choir christened a new opera for young people, created by poet Milan Dekleva and composer Damijan Močnik called Všeč si mi.
The love for Slovene culture and tradition is one of the missions of Glasbena matica Ljubljana, which is traditionally reflected in the Folk Union concert cycle, intended for the discovery and live presentation of folk tradition in music. In accordance with the rich folk tradition, Glasbena matica discovers and encourages the printing of music editions by Slovenian composers.
An important place was also given to intergenerational integration, which is realized through regular appearances in retirement homes across Slovenia.