SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre


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SIGIC, slovenski glasbenoinformacijski center, društvo
Trg francoske revolucije 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone385 (0) 1 241 2082
Past events

Established in 2004 as a public association by the Ministry of Culture and the former Ministry of Information Society, SIGIC, the Slovene Music Information Centre, has become a central information hub for the promotion of Slovene music, musicians and music heritage in Slovenia and internationally. It facilitates access to a wide range of information relating to various genres of music, developing its online services (including a database and events calendar at and magazine (since 2011) and cooperating closely with various institutions and NGOs engaged in the music sector.

SIGIC launched the MOMUS, Monumenta musica Slovenica, a portal that features music monuments and sites round Slovenia, in 2018, and the website for international cooperation and promotion of music from Slovenia in 2019.

SIGIC 2013 eksperiment compilation.jpgCompilation CD of experimental music in Slovenia: Eksperiment Slovenia, published by SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre

International cooperation

SIGIC has been a member of the International Association of Music Information Centres (IAMIC) since 2006. Each year SIGIC participates at MIDEM (short for Marché International du Disque et de l'Edition Musicale), the world's largest music industry trade fair.

International projects

Since its first presentation of Slovene music scene at the MIDEM (Marché International du Disque et de l'Edition Musicale) in Cannes in 2008, SIGIC has participated at several platforms round Europe (Bremen, Vienna). In 2013 the Waves Vienna, a club- and showcase festival co-organised by MICA (Music Information Center Austria) with the motto East meets West, invites Slovenia and Belgium as guest countries in focus. The programme for the event was designed by SIGIC in close cooperation with the Slovenian Music Week (STG).

In the period 2012–2014 SIGIC participated in the project MINSTREL funded by the EU Culture programme. The project that supported the network exchange and dissemination of European music resources was led by the Institute for Research on Music and Acoustics in Athens, Greece, and brought in cooperation music information centres of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Latvia, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia and Poland.


SIGIC has published some compilations of Slovene music genres (Ethno, Jazz, Experiment), also a booklet Listen to Slovenia: Pocket Music Guide with short overviews of music scenes in Slovenia and useful information about infrastructure and agents, first edition from 2013 being updated in 2020.

See also

External links




SIGIC, slovenski glasbenoinformacijski center, društvo +
SIGIC, slovenski glasbenoinformacijski center, društvo +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Trg francoske revolucije 6 +
Established in 2004 as a public associatioEstablished in 2004 as a public association by the Ministry of Culture and the former Ministry of Information Society, SIGIC, the Slovene Music Information Centre, has become a central information hub for the promotion of Slovene music, musicians and music heritage in Slovenia and internationally. heritage in Slovenia and internationally. +
Established in 2004 as a public associatioEstablished in 2004 as a public association by the Ministry of Culture and the former Ministry of Information Society, SIGIC, the Slovene Music Information Centre, has become a central information hub for the promotion of Slovene music, musicians and music heritage in Slovenia and internationally. heritage in Slovenia and internationally. +
+385 / 1 241 2082 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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