Flota Institute

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Flota, Zavod za organizacijo in izvedbo kulturnih prireditev, Murska Sobota
Kopališka 2, SI-9000 Murska Sobota
Phone386 (0) 1 530 2255
Past events

Flota Institute 2009 Srh Shiver Photo Matjaz Faric (2).JPGSrh/Shiver, at Cankarjev dom in November 2009, choreographed by Matjaž Farič, Flota Institute

Flota, a non-profit cultural institution for organising and producing cultural events, was established in 2001 by dancer/choreographer Matjaž Farič. Flota produces performances by choreographers of different generations, such as Matjaž Farič, Rosana Hribrar and Gregor Luštek, Tina Dobaj Eder and Milan Tomašik as well as younger generation choreographers Gašper Kunšek, Žigan Krajnčan, Jan Krmelj and Ana Cvelfar, among others.

Since 2006, Flota organises the Front@ Contemporary Dance Festival, based in Murska Sobota, thus contributing to the decentralisation of contemporary dance in Slovenia. Flota Institute has developed strong international partnerships through Beyond Front@ – a project and informal network twice-supported by the European Commission.

International cooperation

In 2003–2005 Flota collaborated with the Swedish organisation Intercult in the international project SEAS, which united artists from more than 15 European countries between the Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea.

Beyond Front@

Flota is the founder of the Dance Explorations Beyond Front@ project (together with Dance Week Festival, organised by Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance, Zagreb, Croatia; Pro Progressione, Budapest, Hungary; d.ID/Dance Identity, Pinkafeld, Austria; and OffenesHausOberwart (OHO), Oberwart, Austria), supported by the Culture 2007–2013 programme of the European Commission and the European Culture Foundation (ECF). The partnership network aims to present high quality dance performances to the border areas of Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, and Hungary, to generate artistic dialogue, and foster new cross-cultural co-productions.

Flota Institute 2009 Monster Tamer.jpgMonster Tamer, joint production of the Dance Explorations Beyond Front@ network, 2009

In 2009, the Beyond Front@ network launched the project Creation Beyond Front@, promoting artistic exchange between Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, and Austria, which resulted in the project entitled Monster Tamer, consisting of four choreographic miniatures by four choreographers, each performed by the same four dancers. The project was hosted by the network member organisations.

2012–2014 a new cycle of entitled Beyond Front@: Bridging New Territories led by the Flota Institute involves organisations from Austria, Croatia, Hungary and United Kingdom (Greenwich Dance). Cooperation between major urban areas and smaller communities in the region was encouraged, contemporary dance being a vehicle.

See also

External links


... more about "Flota Institute"
Flota, Zavod za organizacijo in izvedbo kulturnih prireditev, Murska Sobota +
Flota, Zavod za organizacijo in izvedbo kulturnih prireditev, Murska Sobota +
SI-9000 Murska Sobota +
Kopališka 2 +
Flota, a non-profit cultural institution for organising and producing cultural events, was established in 2001 by dancer/choreographer Matjaž Farič. +
Flota, a non-profit cultural institution for organising and producing cultural events, was established in 2001 by dancer/choreographer Matjaž Farič. +
+386 / 1 530 2255 +
Murska Sobota +
SI-9000 +
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