Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica

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Slovensko narodno gledališče Nova Gorica (SNG Nova Gorica)
Trg Edvarda Kardelja 5, SI-5000 Nova Gorica
Phone386 (0) 5 335 2200
Past events

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Originally established in 1955 as Gorica City Theatre and upon going professional, changing its name in 1969 to Primorsko dramsko gledališče, the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica is one of the youngest professional theatres in Slovenia. It became one of the three state-owned theatres in 2003 (see also Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana and Slovene National Theatre Maribor). Its geographic position – situated at the junction of the Slovenian and Italian cultures – has exerted a substantial influence on the role and orientation of the theatre.

Designed by award-winning architect Vojteh Ravnikar and featuring a fully-equipped 360-seat hall, the SNG Nova Gorica building remains to date the only new theatre built in Slovenia in the second half of the 20th Century. The new Small Stage (108 seats) was opened in 2011.


SNG Nova Gorica stages around 8 premières per season with guest actors often joining the permanent cast of 22 actors. The theatre's repertoire comprises contemporary and classical plays staged by established as well as younger Slovenian directors and occasionally directors from abroad. The programme features stagings of new and classical Slovenian plays, Slovenian first stagings of plays by foreign authors as well as new readings of world classics. Special emphasis is placed on Mediterranean authors (Goldoni, Ruzante, Machiavelli, Držić, etc.), and particularly on comedies, which are marked by Mediterranean temperament and often by the usage of dialect and are well-accepted by both the critics and the audience. The theatre also successfully produces communicative works that intertwine theatre performance and (vocal and instrumental) music, which has resulted in several award-winning musical experiments, such as the performance Passion Play (2015), written and composed by singer-songwriter Iztok Mlakar, also a member of the theatre's ensemble, and the musical play by the cult London group The Tiger Lillies Shockheaded Peter (2017), directed by Ivana Djilas, both winners of Gracious Comedy Awards.

The theatre also offers a strong programme of performances for children and young adults. Three of its season ticket programmes are aimed at children (Tiny Snail, Big Snail, Puppet Snail). The Gorizia Roundabout (Gorški vrtiljak) presents a number of guest children's performances of different Slovenian theatres and theatre groups. The theatre also produces amateur youth performances at the Amateur Youth Stage (AMO). Over the recent years, SNG Nova Gorica has been a co-producer of dance performances by MN Dance Company.

SNG Nova Gorica often presents site-specifics versions of individual productions, especially at the Primorska Summer Festival. Its productions appear at different festivals, such as the Maribor Theatre Festival or the Slovene Festival of Chamber Theatre (SKUP), collecting several awards, including the Borštnik Grand Prix in 1999 and 2005. The theatre has also received awards at the Week of Slovenian Drama and the Days of Comedy festivals.

Since 2011, the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica, the Koper Theatre, and the Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste present the Tantadruj Awards, honouring excellence in artistic achievements in the coastal region.

Networking and international cooperation

The theatre often realises its programme through co-productions with fellow theatres from the region, especially with the Koper Theatre and the Slovene Permanent Theatre in Trieste, but often also with the Prešeren Theatre Kranj, as well as with international co-producers from the wider region. It also organises guest performances by Slovenian and foreign theatres, music, ballet and dance groups.

Almost half of SNG Nova Gorica productions are presented on tour in Slovenia or abroad and are often shown at theatre festivals across the world (Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Macedonia), also collecting several awards.

SNG Nova Gorica was one of the initiators of the New European Theatre Action (NETA)(2005–2016). It joined the European Theatre Convention (ETC) in 2001.

See also

Slovene National Theatres

External links


Slovensko narodno gledališče Nova Gorica (SNG Nova Gorica) +
45.956 +
Slovensko narodno gledališče Nova Gorica (SNG Nova Gorica) +
13.65 +
SI-5000 Nova Gorica +
Trg Edvarda Kardelja 5 +
Originally established in 1955 as Gorica City Theatre and upon going professional, changing its name in 1969 to Primorsko dramsko gledališče, the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica is one of the youngest professional theatres in Slovenia. +
Originally established in 1955 as Gorica City Theatre and upon going professional, changing its name in 1969 to Primorsko dramsko gledališče, the Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica is one of the youngest professional theatres in Slovenia. +
SNG Nova Gorica je eno najmlajših profesionalnih gledališč v Sloveniji. +
+386 / 5 335 2200 +
Nova Gorica +
SI-5000 +
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