ŠKUC Theatre
24 Jun 2019
27 Jun 2019
Theatre performances Stockholm, Pennsylvania, directed by Nataša Barbara Gračner and produced by Ljubljana City Theatre (MGL); Martin Sherman's Bent, directed by Alen Jelen and produced by the ŠKUC Theatre, Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre and Kolaž Institute; and For the Good of All, directed by Nenni Delmestre and co-produced by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica and Koper Theatre, at the Golden Lion International Festival of Chamber Theatre
18 Apr 2018
Austria St. Johann im Rosental/Šentjanž v Rožu
Helver's Night, directed by Alen Jelen and co-produced by the Prešeren Theatre Kranj and ŠKUC Theatre,
The ŠKUC Association is one of the leading organisations for the promotion of non-profit artistic activities in Slovenia. It was formally established in early 70s as ŠKUC Student Cultural Centre, though its origins may be traced back to the radical Ljubljana student movement of 1968. In the late 1970s and 1980s ŠKUC was one of the most important supporters and promoters of alternative culture. Student Cultural Centre is an independent producer in several artistic fields and an important agent in the civil society.
The annual production comprises three performances of its own production or in co-production with other groups and theatre houses.
In 2012 Olga Grad received the Best Actress Award at the New European Theatre Action (NETA) festival in Vratza, Bulgaria.
See also