ŠKUC Theatre

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Gledališče ŠKUC
Kersnikova 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 515 1590
Past events

In the late 1980s the ŠKUC Association has created notable street and ambient performances. Some of today's well-recognised theatre actors and groups sprang from that movement. In 2000 ŠKUC Theatre was revived by Alen Jelen after a long period of inactivity. Its work is focused on the so-called 'chamber performances' involving young professional theatre artists as well as students of play, staging world premieres and debut performances in Slovenia, as well as texts dealing with the problems of marginalised groups in society.


The ŠKUC Association is one of the leading organisations for the promotion of non-profit artistic activities in Slovenia. It was formally established in early 70s as ŠKUC Student Cultural Centre, though its origins may be traced back to the radical Ljubljana student movement of 1968. In the late 1970s and 1980s ŠKUC was one of the most important supporters and promoters of alternative culture. Student Cultural Centre is an independent producer in several artistic fields and an important agent in the civil society.


The annual production comprises three performances of its own production or in co-production with other groups and theatre houses.

In 2012 Olga Grad received the Best Actress Award at the New European Theatre Action (NETA) festival in Vratza, Bulgaria.


See also

External links

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Gledališče ŠKUC +
Gledališče ŠKUC +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Kersnikova 4 +
In the late 1980s the ŠKUC Association has created notable street and ambient performances. +
In the late 1980s the ŠKUC Association has created notable street and ambient performances. +
+386 / 1 515 1590 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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