City of Women Association for Promotion of Women in Culture


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Mesto žensk, društvo za promocijo žensk v kulturi
Kersnikova 4 (Office: Metelkova 6), SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 438 1580
Past events

The City of Women Association for Promotion of Women in Culture was established in 1996. It organises the annual international festival of contemporary arts in Ljubljana called City of Women and aims to raise the visibility of high-quality innovative creations by women artists, theorists and activists from all over the world.

In 2019, the City of Women Association received the prestigious international prize for culture Princess Margriet, awarded by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF).


The City of Women Association presents the artistic and cultural production of women in the performing arts, music, visual arts, film and video, literature and theory, thus provoking debate and raising awareness as to the currently disproportionate participation and representation of women in arts and culture, as well as in society as a whole.

It simultaneously provides a platform that considers pertinent critical contemporary issues. Alongside its festival manifestation (which offers an increasing number of its own productions and co-productions, mainly from the field of performing arts and dance) it is also active throughout the year, organising lectures, public discussions, civic initiatives, and so on.

Current projects

In 2019, the City of Women Association launched the international project Women on Women (WoW) together with partner institutions Outlandish Theatre Platform CLG (Ireland), Space of Gender and Media Culture K-ZONA (Croatia) and Tiiiit! Inc. – Skopje (Macedonia). The project aims to try out new models of solidarity and knowledge exchange between different communities, celebrating at the same time past and present achievements of women.

In the frame of the project, WOW (WomenOnWomen) awards are presented to living women (female, transgender or intersex) who have been consistent catalysts for equality and social justice. The awards are presented in March in four partner countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia and Ireland).

Since 2019, City of Women is also a partner in the European project BurnOut Aid, supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, which draws attention to the growing problem of work burnout and aims to raise awareness of burnout syndrome in the non-governmental sector and prevent its causes. The project's partners are the Culture Shock Foundation (Poland) and Space of Gender and Media Culture K-ZONA (Croatia).

In 2017, the City of Women Association started participating in a two-year international programme titled "Performing Gender – Dance makes differences". Designed for European professionals in the field of dance and performance art, the project aims to improve skills and discourses on the intersections between dance/performance and gender.

It also works on promoting Slovenian artists abroad within various partnerships and/or international co-productions.

See also

External links
