Integrali Cultural Association



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Kulturno društvo Integrali (KD Integrali)
Povšetova 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 5 997 5891
Past events

The Integrali Cultural Association (KD Integrali) is a cultural NGO with a strong emphasis on playwriting and production in the area of performing arts. Founded in 2006, KD Intergrali's production is closely intertwined with the work of dramatist, performer, and director Simona Semenič, multiple Grum Award winner.

Publishing and stage production

In the beginning, KD Integrali was closely connected with the New York-based multi-disciplinary performing arts company WaxFactory, as well as with Glej Theatre in Ljubljana. Its main programme was PreGlej, an internationally-recognised programme for development and promotion of new Slovene drama and the PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival, in the frame of which a 5-hour performance entitled Nine Easy Pieces was produced, featuring 9 drama texts directed and performed by the authors themselves.

KD Integrali activities include publishing of unconventional contemporary drama texts, stage production, ad-hoc projects, post-production work, and educational activities and playwriting workshops. KD Integrali regularly regularly enters co-productions with Glej Theatre and City of Women Association for Promotion of Women in Culture to "stage" plays by Simona Semenič (for example, the acclaimed Victim Trilogy of autobiographical texts performed by the author herself), which have also been included in the programmes of Week of Slovenian Drama and the Borštnik Theatre Festival.

Integrali is the co-producer od Vzkrik Festival.

International cooperation

Integrali has initiated the project nEEd Circuit, presenting the work of Eastern European playwrights in the USA and the UK.

See also

Kulturno društvo Integrali (KD Integrali) +
Kulturno društvo Integrali (KD Integrali) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Povšetova 14 +
The Integrali Cultural Association (KD Integrali) is a cultural NGO with a strong emphasis on playwriting and production in the area of performing arts. +
The Integrali Cultural Association (KD Integrali) is a cultural NGO with a strong emphasis on playwriting and production in the area of performing arts. +
KD Integrali s prevodi in izdajanjem dramskih del, pa tudi s produkcijo na področju uprizoritvenih umetnosti. +
+386 / 5 997 5891 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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