Depot:PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival



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PreGlej na glas! festival dramskega pisanja
Gregorčičeva 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 251 6679

As the PreGlej has not been active for a long period, the article about it and about the PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival was put into the depot. Below you can read the archival article. Please be aware that certain links and contact information may no longer be valid. The archive of the texts is accessible online, please consult the Playwright's Resource.

Archival article

Initiated in 2006 by Integrali Cultural Association in collaboration with Glej Theatre, the PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival presents staged readings of plays by emerging and already established playwrights. With its programme, the festival fosters new, different approaches and modes of presentation of contemporary (Slovene) playwriting as well as offers playwriting related workshops, discussions, and round tables. The festival is co-produced by Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre and the festival Week of Slovenian Drama.


The PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival was conceived with the main goal of providing an elementary infrastructure for playwriting in Slovenia. The festival aims to introduce the works of not yet established authors to the public and the theatres as well as to highlight the importance of a theoretical reflection about the possibilities of presentation, production, and integration of contemporary playwriting in the Slovene and wider space. The festival thus presents an important platform for young authors, as it provides invaluable opportunities for presentations of texts and exchange of ideas and knowledges. Further, the festival aims to affirm the format of staged readings as an independent genre and promotes new modes of perception of the dramatic and the theatrical through publications of drama texts (in collaboration with Mentor Magazine, Apokalipsa Magazine, and the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT). The plays presented at the festival are staged at theatres in Slovenia as well as published in literary journals.

The festival publishes the festival bulletin Dramočlen, comprising dramaturgical analyses of staged texts, essays, and commentaries and reflections on the festival's events, written by the participants of Glej Theatre's School of Creative Criticism and dramaturgy students of the AGRFT.

The 2010 programme presented, among others, 5 texts that were nominated for the Grum Award, presented at the annual Week of Slovenian Drama, presented writers who tried their hand at performing their texts themselves, and organised a round table, entitled "Contemporary Playwright as Performer".

International cooperation

The 2010 edition of the festival featured authors from Croatia, namely, Ivana Sajko's Rose is a Rose is a Rose is a Rose, produced by Zagreb Youth Theatre and originally commissioned by the Austrian international festival steirischer herbst, and Goran Ferčec's A Letter to Heiner M., while the 2009 edition presented Serbian authors Vanja Nikolić with her play Connection and Tamara Šuškić with her play Voyage. The texts were ad-hoc directed by Slovene directors.

The 2006 and 2007 festival's editions were co-produced by the New York-based interdisciplinary theatre group WaxFactory. The 2006 edition presented the second part of a bilateral exchange of directors, playwrights, and theatre organisations between Slovenia and the USA, featuring a number of practical workshops and round tables discussing the problem of international cooperation in the area of playwriting.

In 2008, the festival organised a playwriting workshop with Sterijino Pozorje Festival, Serbia.

See also

External links

PreGlej na glas! festival dramskega pisanja +
20,21,22 (2012) +
201220 +, 201221 +  and 201222 +
annual +
PreGlej na glas! festival dramskega pisanja +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gregorčičeva 3 +
As the PreGlej has not been active for a long period, the article about it and about the PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival was put into the depot. +
As the PreGlej has not been active for a long period, the article about it and about the PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival was put into the depot. +
+386 / 1 251 6679 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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